

Wrong Turn.
David reached the spot where he was going to end his life , which was a result of not being able to help his family , he had a family to feed , depending on him. Lots of failures and seeing his family helpless daily , made him to do this .

But before he can do anything , he got kidnapped . It was some underworld kidnapping and murdering gang. He got a proposal from that gang , to be member of their team.
David was a decent and simple man so far , but, as per the situation he founded that proposal a way to make himself and his family out of that hard life. So , he accepted.

As days kept passing , he was dissolving more and more into that cruel business.In the start , David was only able to rob and help his companions doing kidnapping.

He was the man , who used to get frightened by seeing blood. But , as the money glittered in his eyes and found himself growing , he didn't leave any cruel work to be done.

He was doing this for his family. To save her mother from dying , he made many sons to lose their mothers. To save his little brother , he risked lives of lots of little kids. To give her sister a good life , he made lots of brothers to lose their sisters.
He didnt care anyone, except his own family.

It was the most dangerous gang of the city , he was involved in. Like , usually , he got an illegal work . It was to kill an entrepreneur and his team. For that purpose they plotted a bomb , ignoring the fact lot of families will be there.
They successfully did it.

In the evening , when he got back home , the house was empty. He couldn't find anyone. His sister, brother and mother. No one was there. In a while , an ambulance appeared on the scene. It delivered three dead bodies. His mind was full of negative thoughts at that moment. He went stumbling near the bodies. His mind was full of shock , grief and shatterness as he saw her mother, sister and little brother as those dead bodies. He was then informed that they died in that bomb blast which he plotted. His world was ended. He realized , but his sins were unfogivable , which cost him his family for whom he did everything .
© Haider writes.