

What true love really is.
I always tell my friend about how big of a mistake she's doing for falling and falling over and over again for that guy who keeps breaking her heart again and again...nonstop. I keep telling her to give him up. I once told her "He's only gonna break your heart again. Stop it already." But she wouldn't listen.

I was in history class. I wasn't paying attention to the teacher and I felt dizzy. I felt my eye's doze off and my whole body too. I woke up to find everyone gone. Only the teacher and I was left. She told me to leave so I did , right away. I was out walking in the filled halls of our school. I still felt a little dizz. Then just out of the blue , I bumped into her by accident , she seemed more cheerful than usual. "Guess what. He finally said he liked me back." she said all hipped up. I thought she was being delusional , like she is. She was for real.

At that moment , she kinda made me believe that True Love is really something anyone can find. She had awful luck and yet she was loved back by the guy who kept rejecting her. I felt happy for her. I felt like anyone who believe's in their goal or believe's in something they want stands a chance.
Really. I felt that.

I woke up for real. It was all a dream . I was being the delusional one. But when I was in the filled halls . I really bumped into her. Out of a hundred students in our school . I bumped into her. She looked , bumped out . Sad to be honest.
"What happened? Tell me."
I asked her sincerely.

"I thought I had the chance. It felt like the time. I told him how I felt and I thought it would be different. But it was like always...but he said something I could never forget. He said every time we met or had eye contact together , he feels a spark in his chest that feels unnatural. Like how I feel about him..."
She stops for a second.

"That's great isn't it. I mean , like...he feels the same way towards you , right?"
I interrupted.

"He's going to become a priest . I can't just ask him to stop from doing what he wants for me. Thats' just being selfish."
She said then packed her things and ran off.

"How come that's selfish you say?! You loved him for so long and when he finally does too , you're going to just give up?"
I said and it made her stop from running. She looked back at me with tears in her eyes.

"When you truly love someone , you will learn how to sacrifice what's important to you."
She turns around then starts walking her way while wiping her tears away.

Everything that happened in reality was completely different from what happened in my dreams. But now I think I learned something even more extraordinary.

I learned that "It's okay to love someone who can't love you back because that's what make's it True Love."