

The word' affection' tied up with us the very first day when we came into this world. None in this world who are away from this lovely feeling. Everything goes well until the person breaks our trust. Then we realise how far we have gone through this trust journey. why ? and for whom? because someone breaks our trust just because of his own selfish motives. The struggle between mind and heart starts so obvious that again we agree to taste the betrayal by believing the same person. Why do we do so ? Don't we know, it will affect us so deeply that we can't imagine. Sometimes our affection towards the person becomes bigger than our self respect. we forget what he/she has done earlier. We only know that the person is very important. Apart from that, we should be aware that if we go to the same track , we might get hurt badly. I'm not saying, this is a bad thing, but it is not at all right to blindfold our attachment towards that person.
love all but not with closed eyes.
Eyes should be opened when
we enter into the world of affection.
© Deepti sethi