

Prompt: Everyone laughed at Kenny for his power. But no one laughed as he took over the world.

Kenny Johnson, a curious man. An enigma. Born to two normal parents he began his life simple and average. One day however he developed an... ability, people often fear what they don't understand and as such Kenny was mocked ruthlessly. His ability as you may be wondering about is utters. Yes utters. Kenny Johnson had the incredible misfortune of developing the ability to create an utter on any surface he touched. Kenny unfortunately figured this out on morning during breakfast. His mother, a lovely woman, bent down to kiss her son on the cheek. Instead she wound up a horribly disfigured. Kenny was of course locked away and made the mockery of an entire nation.
After years of torment Lenny awoke in his cell, a cold try slides in through the steel door and a thought pops into his head. He reaches for the steel bars of his window and clears his mind. Seconds later the bars are replaced by the shame of his life. Kenny would spend the next several years of his life underground plotting his revenge. He gathered his strength and honed his abilities. He marched on the capital during a meet and greet with the president. Shaking the president's hand he transformed it and held him by utter point. People had forgotten kenny but kenny had never forgotten the ridicule they gave to him.

I love this prompt and I'd love to see other takes on it so if y'all have any send them my way.