

Cousins... Part 2
My room is gorgeous! The bathroom holds a deep jet tub and a walk in shower with multiple shower heads. A king size bed with soft cotton sheets. Directly across from it is a giant flat screen t.v. hung on the wall. Couches and chairs. Out on the back patio is a small table and chairs with a jaccuzi on he right. The partition keeping my patio separate from Jameson’s is only a dark piece of cloth. That’s not very private.
I walk back in and go through my bags to find my swimsuit. Might as well head down to the beach and catch some sun and find a relative or two to talk to. I know my family is huge but my parents are always traveling so I haven’t met any of them.
I stare down at my bag in horror. My one piece is gone and in it’s place is a flimsy 2 piece with a lot of strings and minimal cloth.
“Oh My God!” I shrieked louder than I intended too. A knock behind me reveals a door joining my room to Jamesons. I was so distracted by the beautiful room I missed that.
“Are you alright in there?” I’m so distraught over my mothers switcharoo I run to the door and throw it open. I am met by a half naked Jameson in swim trunks with no shirt. The trunks rest loosely at his lean hips. His stomach is lean but not to washboard like. He has a happy trail of black hair that my eyes follow down to his crotch. Jameson clears his throat and my eyes shoot up to his face.
“Oh shoot, sorry I was caught off guard.” Jameson laughs.
“You’re easy to distract, that will be fun. Are you ok?” He wants to what? I shake my head and try to clear it, why is he trying to gourd me.
“How long have you been at this hotel?” He raises a brown at me.
“A few days, why? Please stop ignoring my questions, I like answers.” I hold up the flimsy swim suit,
“I am not OK! My mother snuck into my bag and replaced my swimsuit with this… this… thing! Do you know of any place to buy a new one?” Jameson shakes his head,
“Nope, why don’t you go try it on and I’ll give you my honest opinion.” I must have given him a paniced look because he laughs.
“I’m just one man, imagine the hundreds on the beach below. What poison will you pick Minnie Mouse?” My inner feathers ruffle, did he just dare me? I step back from the door and smile.
“Alright then I’ll put it on for you, come in, I’ll be right back.” I turn my back on him and head for the bathroom giving my hips extra sway.

The swimsuit takes a moment to put on and when I look at myself in the mirror I’m mortified. My previous courage is gone! The scraps of material are much smaller than I thought. I’m practically naked. I crack the bathroom door.
“I’ve changed my mind, I’m just not going to swim while I’m here.” Jamesons sexy laugh meets my ears.
“Oh no Minnie Mouse you picked your poison. Now get your little ass out here or I’m coming in there.” The nerve! I throw open the door and stalk into the main room.
“Stop calling me Minnie Mouse!” The look on his face stops me in my tracks. He isn’t looking at my face, his eyes are glued to my body. He quickly regains composure.
“Well first things first, it does look good on you.” Jameson steps up close to me.
“You have the material really bunched below your breasts, here let me.” Jameson snakes his fingers along the bottom of my left breast and straightens out the material along the string before doing the same to the right. I can’t breath, no one has ever touched me like this before.
“That’s better.” I look down at myself.
“Now you can clearly see my nipples though.” He smiles and winks at me making my tongue dart out and lick my lips.
“You really are into the wink hmm? It’s cool in here so your nipples are hard. It won’t be cool outside… unless you’re turned on…” I’m really not going to answer that cause it wasn’t a question.
“I won’t deny that you have excellent winking abilities… that get to me.” Jameson’s eyes move back down to my body.
“The amount of material covers your pussy well enough. No stray hairs are visible, do you shave?” I cough unexpectedly and turn away from him giving him my back.
“I can’t believe you just said that or asked me that. I am not going to answer that.” Jameson moves on in his swimsuit assessment without reguards to my comment.
“The material in the back covers your bubble butt enough as well. A nice amount of cheek is showing without it being to much. You could definitely rock a thong though with an ass like that.” I know without looking in a mirror that i instantly blushed.
“Well aren’t you the straight forward type.” My eyes are closed, my heart pounding in my ears. Jamesons hand on my chin makes me jump and look up at him. He looks heated and serious.
“That’s what you asked me to do Qwenny. So are we going to the beach or what? I told the guys I’d meet them to do some surfing.” I’m lost in his blue eyes and can only nod. Jameson smiles,
“Sunblock?” I walk around him and grab my 100 spf and pop the top. Jameson grabs the bottle,
“Allow me, we don’t need you getting this lovely skin burned on day one.” Sunblock has to go in some inappropriate places but he has it squirted into his hand before I can verbalize anything. My tongue appears to be frozen in place. Ok, well that isn’t completely true, my inner whore may want his hands on me, is that so wrong, I mean it’s just sunblock. I turn and give him my back. My inner whore can just pipe down there is no way that I am letting him rub sunblock onto my breasts.
His hands are strong yet gentle as he rubs sunblock onto my shoulders and down my back. I grab the bottle off the bed and start applying it to my chest. My breath catches and my hands still on my collar bones when he starts to massage my ass. My mind has gone completely blank. James squirts more sunblock into his hands.
“Spread your legs.” I do as commanded without arguement. Jameson’s hands circle my left thigh and I can’t contain my whimper when his hand accidentally brushes between my legs. I bet it wasn’t an accident. Jameson doesn’t comment about the sound that came from my mouth. When he finishes my leg he moves to the other and again his hand brushes against my core with more pressure this time; my hips twitch and I sigh. The devil! Done with my legs Jameson comes around to my front. I can only imagine the look on my face right now. I am not completely in the dark though I know what desire looks like and it’s written all over his face.
“Looks like you missed a spot, let me help you.” His hands start at my collar bones and smooth the sunblock over my chest. My breath catches again when his fingers massage down between my breasts. The swimsuit doesn’t cover all of my breasts so Jameson massages the parts of my breasts that are visible. It feels really good so I bite my lip. Jamesons breathing is deeper now then it was earlier. His hands move down over my abdomen leaving nothing untouched. When his fingers brush the top of the bottom part of my swimsuit I suck in a breath. His fingers dip just below my swimsuit a meer half inch from the top of my womanhood.
“Smooth, definitely a wax job.” He removes his hands from my body and my head continues to swim. He takes a deep breath.
“How about we go get some fresh air at the beach?” I nod without a word and grab my sarong tieing it as I walk toward the door. I clear my throat in the hallway.
“Yeah, fresh air sounds good.”

The elevator ride down was pretty quiet. When the doors opened in the lobby we both exited; it’s to quiet.
“So are you here vacationing with friends?” Jameson looks down at me and smirks. What’s so funny?
“Something like that, it’s more of a family thing though.” Now it’s my turn to smile at him,
“Yeah, same here except all my friends are back in New York City. I don’t get out much, just school and staying at home. My parents travel a lot.” Jameson and I exit the hotel out onto a patio with chairs. I can see a huge pool beyond that. I’ve always been a pool girl, the ocean scares me but I promised myself I would get into it while here.
“Gwendolyn darling!” Oh joy, I finally meet someone who appears to be into me and I run into my mother and father. I quickly walk over to her not realizing Jameson is following me.
“Hello mother… father I was just heading to the beach.” My mother smiles over my head,
“Well hello there Jameson, I haven’t seen you in years. How’s your parents? Is your new business going well, computers right?” Wait, she knows him?
“Hello Aunt Tami, my parents are well as is my business. I heard from them just this morning, they are arriving today just in time for a late dinner.” I turn and give him a horrified look. Jameson won’t look at me. He’s my… my… my cousin!?! I am processing so many thoughts at once I am close to glitching out. He knew, in the elevator he knew the minute I said my name. I should feel disgusted but honestly I just feel hurt. He knew who I was and how I was reacting to him and he used it against me. I’m going to be a laughing stock. The whole family is going to know I let my cousin touch me and… Oh my God I moaned when he did it! I still find him attractive, I shouldn’t but I do, the one man who finally shows interest in me and he is a damn relative! I’m still wet from his touch and he is standing here talking to my mother like nothing happened. He still won’t look at me. Turning to my parents.
“Excuse me please.” I turn and walk away ignoring my mother’s pleas to come back. When I exit the patio I pick up my pace. I refuse to turn and look but I can feel him trying to catch up to me. When I reach the sand I run full speed down to the water and dive in head first. I’ll take a shark attack over this. My heart hurts so much because my body still remembers his touch and wants it again, a touch I am not allowed to have.
Coming up for air I scream when I’m grabbed from behind and turned around. Jameson looks angry.
“It’s dangerous to be this far away from shore Gwendolyn.” I look past him and see he’s right, the beach looks so small. A shark attack still sounds nice.
“Don’t call me Gwendolyn with that tone you, you evil man you.” Jameson quirks a brow at me.
“Really? You’re angry at me and that’s the best you got?” I honestly don’t like that tone, he lied to me and now he wants me to yell at him? My eyes fill with tears enough to blur my vision. I can’t do this. I turn away from him and try to swim further out but he grabs me from behind and pulls me back against him.
“Don’t move Gwendolyn. My cousins are close with my surfboard, I just saw a shark fin maybe 20 feet out. Don’t move your legs; just float.” I can’t help but wonder if this is a ploy to get me close to him again. Does he really want to continue this game? I still my legs and let me shoulders sink below the surface. Jameson has me pulled so tightly against him that I start to believe him. His arm is snaked around my hip, his hand is flat against my lower abdomen keepimg me tightly in place.
“You lied to me Jameson. You knew who I was and didn’t care. You… you… you touched me in ways that… Oh my God, I am going to be the laughing stock of the family. Why did you do that?” The pressure on my lower stomach gets heavier.
“I did not lie to you. I liked touching you and don’t you float here and tell me that you didn’t. We are both adults… well I am but your close so lets just be adult about it. No one is going to know what happened between us. My cousins know but they won’t tell anyone. They are co owners of my company.” Can I trust him? Why would he want this to continue?
“Jameson, we are family. Family isn’t suppose to do these things.” I hear the paddling of his cousins… my cousins? They are close.
“So if I do this, it does nothing for you?” Jameson lowers his hand on my stomach and cups my nether lips with his hand. I gasp and then he gives a little squeeze. I sigh softly, my ass perks out on it’s own against him and craddles his hard length between my ass cheeks. This is wrong.
“See that, you like that Gwen. I am not going to pretend this isn’t happening and you can damn well better believe I am not going to let you ignore it either.” I don’t get a chance to respond.
“Hey Jameson, we got your board. Hey Gwen! Fancy seeing you again.” A different voice gives a little chuckle. Well great, they obviously know what’s going on. Jameson lets me go and grabs his board. He helps me get up on it in a sitting position and climbs up behind me.
“Gwen this is Alvin and Langustine, we just call him Lang. Guys this is Gwen, our cousin.” They both just nod and then Lang speaks up,
“So Gwen, are you having fun with our boy Jameson?” I blush deeply,
“I don’t know what your talking about.” Alvin snorts,
“Righhhhht, we know him to well, he is into you and he always gets what he wants. Might as well not fight him.” My jaw drops open, how many cousins has he done this too, am I one of many? This makes my blood boil something fierce.
“How are you both ok with this development?” They both shrug,
“Jameson has always been into some weird shit, no offense bro. We aren’t suprised by anything he does anymore. Secrets safe though Gwen, as are many others. He was holding you pretty close there in the water, what did he tell you, shark near by?” Jameson clears his throat,
“Shut it Alvin, come on lets go back go shore.” He did lie to me, again! I grab the board with my thighs tight and quickly tip it to the side throwing Jameson into the water. He lands with an vicious plop in the water and I feel little better. When he resurfaces his glares at me.
“What was that for?” He climbs back up onto the board.
“Oh I don’t know, lying to me again maybe.” He laughs and grabs the string to my top and pulls it loose. I squeal and lay belly down on the board. Alvin and Lang both laugh.
“Alright guys, lets get this little fire cracker back to shore so we can surf.” Jameson smacks my ass and I groan. Jerk! Alvin and Lang turn there boards and start heading back to the shore leaving Jameson and I alone. Jameson takes the moment to start massaging my ass. Oh that feels so good.
“You have a great ass Gwen, one that begs to be popped.” He smacks it again and I moan. Oh yes, I like that too. Jameson leans over me and his cock is again craddled between my cheeks.
“Come on lets go before I don’t want too.” The ride back into shore was a long sexually frustrating one. The waves went up and then would dip, mimicking the movements of sex. My body has never been this wound.
“Sadly we’re almost there.” My knuckles are white where they grip the board. This can’t go on, he is my cousin.
“Jameson, we can’t do this. I don’t know how many cousins you have done this with but I am not going to be a notch on your family post.” Jameson stops paddling and lets all of his weight drop on my back. He feels really good on top of me, to good. The only sounds around me are the laugher and screaming of little kids, birds, the water hitting the board.