

The true meaning of freedom
The right, trumpists, right wingers are not our enemy they are people who have beem swindled, lied to, treated like they are stupid by the very people they look to for what to do. They are our family, friends, community, bosses, employees, and fellow Americans. I’m getting very tired of leftist and progressive commentators treating them like a lost cause, insane, or too stupid to know better. They are the way they are because we have failed them as a country. They have watched their lively hoods disappear, their homes and communities fall into disrepair, their children go hungry and their financial situation fall to pieces. Trump is not the cause he is a symptom. These people are reacting out of the most basic of human emotions fear. The Republicans figured out a long time ago how to use fear to control their base. The left neglected for too long the fact that what they should have done instead of acting like they know better is dissuade those fears. Yes it’s great to empower and fight for justice but it’s very hard to make proper decisions when you are afraid, this fear created a void that instead of being filled with hope and possibilities was instead filled by a horrible con man that told them they didn’t have to be afraid anymore he would take care of them. Most trumpist are just scared, tired, simple people and the left instead of leading then and teaching them and guiding them like a good parent would do with a scared child, they were written off, berated, laughed at and looked down upon. These people were scared and needed real help we should have taken the time to tell them that everything is going to be ok and that here’s what we all need to do to make it all better. Trumpists aren’t a lost cause they were the people abandoned with no place to turn and so they latched onto what seemed like the only way out a con man that has almost destroyed our country. And he turned all that fear into hate and angry and mistrust. You know who wind up in cults? People with no where to turn, people looking for something better and different, people lost and looking for guidance. The left if they had been paying attention should have seen those people as those who needed them most. But they missed to boat and yet again instead of showing the guidance and leadership that would have drawn these lost souls to them and they could have welcomed them with open arms they ignored them and their fears. Fear is a powerful force and we let the right take those and build them up to a frenzied pitch when we should have been showing them they didn’t have to be afraid anymore and given them the opportunity, encouragement and tools to work through and free themselves of that needless fear. Trumpist have not failed their country our country has failed them. I seen taking the time to explain, teach and support change minds. They are our brothers and sisters sitting frighten in the dark for too long. We need to kill this hate with kindness, understanding and acknowledge those fears and guide them to a place where they not only can be rid themselves of all this needless pointless hate but where they above all no longer need to be afraid and that is the true meaning of freedom.