

I f**ked myself,
before love came this way. The pieces of me, the woman didn't see that she defines me. Honestly,the right one was an illusion, discussion of substance is non-existent for lust to f**k something different is the mission. Incidents occur more than norm,this isn't going to be a tragic saga,my days left. Bury me in abstinence and celibacy. I've truly striven to give in short of commiting a heinous & stupid entanglement. Better off amongst the women who horde their hustle as a miser does and continue to be frugal with the truth. (About Bitches Intentions), I am done, hanging on,ass out, continuously being the tree,fodder for slaughter.YES, issues differ from person to person & distance for love ones fuels emotional perception actions, including my own. Since I was duped, Believing I was outside looking in. The line has been drawn, material of mistrust cut & eyes of deciet has taken it's toll on me. Gender creating is a new one. However, I overstand the obvious reasons (NO FOOLING AROUND),Dead wrong, Point Blank,Period....
If I Never Knew
I Now Know
What, It Truly Is......
© @Qa'id Muhammad