

The Angel of Death 2: A New Cousin
Jamarco Bartley, Azrael's father, walked into his home office and opened a drawer. A few documents lay there.
Yes, these are the ones I need, he thought. He grabbed a few and skimmed them.
Suddenly, he heard his phone ring. He pulled it out and saw it was Brayden Bartley, his brother and Azrael's uncle.
He received it. "Hey, Brad, what-"
He was cut off by an enthusiastic squeal of Brayden. "Jam, Jam! It's a girl! We have a baby daughter!"
Jamarco grinned and shut the drawer. "Oh, Brad, that-that's awesome! Great news!"
Someone opened the door. Jamarco turned to see Amanda, his wife, there.
"What's all this excited noise about?" she asked. She was still in a moment of surprise and disbelief after what Azrael had told her.
"You're an aunt now. Jamarco and Alyssa have been blessed with a baby girl!" Jamarco exclaimed. Alyssa was Brayden's wife from Kenya.
"Oh, wait… really?! That is amazing!" Amanda smiled half-heartedly.
Hearing their parents' excitement, Azrael and Itzel appeared at the doorway.
"What happened?" Itzel blinked.
"Your uncle Brad has a daughter now. You have a cousin," Amanda replied.
"That's great! We should visit them soon and name her!" Azrael clasped her hands together.
"Sure," Jamarco agreed. He gathered the documents he came in the room for, and took Amanda's hand. "It's really late now. We'll visit them tomorrow morning. For now, you kids go to sleep." He went out the door and gestured for the others to exit. "I have some important work."
He went on his way to his room.
Amanda glanced at Azrael as they left the room. "This news was to sprinkle in some goodness after a rough day of mine," Amanda said and left the girls.
Azrael frowned. Itzel asked, "Why do you seem sad?"
Azrael rubbed her arm. "It-it's mom… I told her about my, uh, power today and she didn't really have a… good reaction. I mean, she wasn't rude either but… she didn't accept Azrael Agnolla."
Itzel put her elbow through her sister's. "Don't talk about yourself in third person. If someone doesn't accept Azrael Agnolla, they don't support you. The real you. And it's not like you chose to have this power. Just… remember… I'll always be with you. As a younger sister." She looked at Azrael. "And-and we even have a cousin now. She will also support you. The rest of our family, too. I know what aunt Alyssa is like. She's cool."
Azrael sniffed. "Yeah, yeah… when mom said she had a rough day… she meant finding out about me. She looked at me when she said that. But… forget it. Maybe some sleep will work."
Itzel patted Azrael's shoulder. "Hey, don't get sad on our cousin's birthday. And, like you said, maybe sleep will work."

Sleep did not work. Azrael spent a total of three hours trying to sleep, but she only succeeded in ignoring Itzel's snores coming from Itzel's bed, which was unfortunately right across the room.
Finally, Azrael grabbed a notepad and a blue pen and started doodling her thoughts. They weren't good. She felt like something was coming… and it was not good.
Then, she drew an angel. No, she drew herself. She tried to make it as accurate to her real life looks as possible, and she even got Itzel's color pencils to color it in. Cream blonde hair, shoulder length, wearing a white dress, green crocs and her fingers snapping, while she was surrounded by graves. The implication was obvious yet mysterious.
"Ugh…" she groaned, annoyed, and flipped to the next page. Words swirled in her mind freely. Her creativity reached its peak. She wrote a song if she would've poetically told her mom about it.
After a few scribbles, failed rhyming attempts, and crossing out words, she came up with this written in her notepad:

“If you find out, you will be
But I promise I will
Never forget this.
Damaris, Damaris,
Is not my name.
I'm the Angel of Death
Which you probably fear.
Azrael is the name
Which I deserve
Oh, my mom,
Please don't sob.”

Azrael fell asleep as she hummed this short song contentedly.

Hi, everyone! Tell me if you liked this one. The thing is, the first episode (unedited) was so long I have to split it in three parts! This is the second one, but consider this the 2nd episode. Happy Reading!

© Arshi