

To the dancing soul inside you
You were taught to walk the aisle with poise and elegance; to sit down with crossed legs like how a classy woman should be. They say that if you just wait around the corner of the room and sip your red wine, the perfect man will come to you.

But girl, I'm telling you:
Go ahead and walk your flaws down the runway with your head held up high. Stand up and dance those aching feet away. Close your eyes and feel the beat of the music. Feel the beat of the life that's calling you to live the way you want it to. Leave that boring table and go to the dancefloor. Let your body sync with each song and let your heart sync with your true happiness. The perfect man may not come but I know the right one will. He'll dance with you with the same intensity and passion. He'll dance with you and think you're the perfect girl with those crazy badass moves.
—Myka M. Obinque

Photo: Karel Chladek