

Selfishness and Selflessness
Nathaniel had a plate dished up with a lot of food. He ate half of the food and he was immediately content and his hunger ceased to be but he did not want anyone else to get the same satisfaction as he did. He over ate, he wanted it all to myself and his stomach was full but his heart was empty and cold. Sharing wasn't apart of his mentality. After eating all the food he experienced immense pain because he over ate and for that he paid the price.
When I look to the right side I saw Jacob and he too was about to eat his meal which was also full on his plate. Before he could even take a bite he saw a man struck by hunger and he immediately offered the man half of his food. They ate together and Jacob wasnt content with half the food he was satisfied by the man's gratitude and appreciation towards him. In his stomach he wasn't satisfied but his heart felt warm and that a comforting feeling that made him forget about his hunger.
© Rea Says