

Don't Read Or Drink From That Pot
Well the doorbell rings
And it is a masked guest
And I say oh it's you
it's cold let's do 🍵
So he is very sexy with those
eyes you know.
But as we sit and try to talk.
It comes from out of no where a killer
was remade as we heated the pot.
And the pot was from
a garage sale down on 8th street
in New York. This place was there
for years and no one knew
about this haunted pot.
I told my guest it had a book
with it but I just used it for cooking
And did not read the story so he
reads the story to me and it scares us
to the point of not wanting anymore
tea at least for now. For you see it
reads he took the pot and called over
it a lot and made time stop
from a bunch of ghost to came out.
Then the ghost did the crimes of lost time and nothing was right about any of it until time started again
They ran around running in to
body's making the neighborhood crazy
So much so.
They hurt and got the police
And loved ones were in streets
killing themselves
And then in the whole town was
three left before the madness stopped
An it was all to unreal.
So he stops reading the book then time starts once again and the pot is back
boiling on the stove
And he slams that thing and says oh
this is not the kind of pot for making
tea out and I may have let the lost
souls out so can you be strong
And help me gather them back into the
book so I can maybe remove this curse
away from your town and all its people
if we would have drunk that 🍵
we would be dead with a ghost in us.
Then she shows him her cup
And he sees that she drank her tea
while he was telling the story
then he gets away from the table
And. she starts acting crazy and the
ghost had her standing there. look to see
what she could kill me with.
And I was like you invite me here with this shit and this is how you act a fright.
No I will not be taken down by you.
So I will frighten you an fight you.
So he gets an. umbrella and says stand back. But she a ghost she laughs crazily
And cracking her. long nails at stuff in the room. To make her point that this
situation that he has unleashed will not
be taken litely.
So he got his weapon as if to prove her
wrong and the fight is on and they get
crazy and it looks as if crazy is winning
but no wait. He beats crazy with an
umbrella. An it's not even raining
So. he. Puts it to her and she is gone.
But the neighborhood heard him
And someone called the police and they
heard him yell and fight with her.
But. she is not acting like a bad spirit in her body. So how do you tell the cops
I was killing a demon inside her and they
don't believe you and throw you in jail.
But you know the story and no
one can prove that you did just not
go through.
So kind of he'll so you go to jail but is it really over. No in your cell the door
opens and it flus in
did you think that you won
no not with me bitch I am
that ghost who came out the book
And I can jump into any one
And now I will make you dead.
So she terrors hi and beats him
And makes him scream all kinds
of noises.
Until his body hits the. hard ground
And he runs for cover
But no
out running a spirit who is so crazy they
don't even care about your feelings
And then. bails at the sight of jail
And goes out the window to do more harm secretly. So how do we get this back in the 📖 don't know
Maybe we should read the story
And the wind blows cold past the cops
once they say that. As if this whole night
And day mare. was just about to start
again he was. died it should have ended
but yet we are here again how do you
stop it. The End

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