

The Madness Of Orangefox (WARRIOR CAT OC)
Orangekit gets bullied by other cats in his Clan until he snaps and immediately turns into a killing machine after meeting crazy evil cats from the dark forest - where evil cats go when they die, once he turns to apprenticeship (Which seemed to make him even more mad like them.) He goes through love to heart break, to friendship to new friendship, to weakness to muscularity, and innocent to misunderstood.

Chapter: 1

'The Beginning of Chaos'

Colouredfur, a white she-cat with an orange, black, and gray coloured pelt with green eyes had just kitted two of her and Claypool's kits, an orange pelted tom with a brown paw and ear tufts with yellow eyes. They both named them Orangekit and Squirrelkit. She was exhausted and panting. Speckledleaf gave her some poppy seeds to ease her pain and after a while Colouredfur dozed off. Two of the kits could be heard squeaking and mewing. Claypool was outside of the medical den and smiled with glee as he saw his mate, Colouredfur and their two kits. Speckledleaf noticed him and poked her head out to see him."Do you wanna see them?" She asked, kindly. Claypool nodded and quietly walked in. Orangekit was meowing loudly next to his sister. Colouredfur was still asleep while Squirrelkit drank her milk. Orangekit sniffed and began to move around, he somewhat crawled to his mother while not being able to see. He finally began to drink her milk, once he found a way how to.
"They're very healthy kits, Claypool." She smiled at him.
"Thank you, Speckledleaf." He lightly nudged Colouredfur, purring.
"Colouredfur will be asleep for a little while. You can stay with her if you'd like." Claypool nodded in response. "I will. Thank you." He happily sat by his family, continuing to watch his kits. Speckledleaf left not wanting to disturb his moment with them.

The morning rose and Colouredfur was still fast asleep from tending to her small five month old kits. Now, it wouldn't be long till they'd get their mentors. Squirrelkit, a light peach coloured she-kit with bright yellow eyes, woke up and nudged her brother.
"Wake up, Orangepaw!" She mewed as Toadkit woke beside her mother, Dirtpelt. She looked over at Squirrelkit and smiled. She stood and walked over to them.
"Yeah, Orangekit wake uuuuup!" She moved playfully, although she was only a moon older than them, she still looked to them as if she was super old. Orangekit seemed bigger than the other kits. His fur was a darkish orange, more puffy even. His two ears on each side were a different colour. Black on the right and white on the left, same colours with his right paw. He groaned, opened his eyes, and looked up at two of the kits with his dark green eyes.
"Now..? Go back to sleep." He turned away, facing his back to them. "I'm not in the mood." He stared down at his paws. Squirrelkit tilted her head to the side.
"Aww, you're never in the mood," she huffed.
"It's okay, Squirrelkit." Toadkit said. "You can't always expect every cat wanting to play all the time." She spoke calmly. Squirrelkit and Toadkit began to walk out of the nursery. Orangekit's ears lowered and he covered his face with his paws. He hated getting up in the mornings. Other kits would always find time to pick on him. He hated being humiliated in front of other kits and his friend, Graykit. He started losing interest in playing, it was always the same. Graykit would always win, he'd always beat Squirrelkit at playing, knowing she was much smaller than him. And, then again, the fun will stop when the kits decide to harass him. Toadkit looked back at him.
"Is there something wrong?" She asked, her voice filled with concern. The orange kit's fur bristled, and his left ear twitched. He then quickly swatted his paw at her.
"Nothing's wrong, Okay? Just... go play with the others." He hissed slightly, feeling annoyance when she spoke that way to him. He felt as if it sounded like she was teasing him. Toadkit narrowed her eyes, feeling slightly attacked at his snap. "Fine. Come on, Squirrelkit." The two padded away to see the others. Orangekit got up then walked over to the entrance of the nursery. He sat down and sighed, watching them all play. He gritted his teeth in anger. Colouredfur suddenly woke up and licked him.
"Where did your sister go?" She asked.
"Out there. Playing with the other kits. They did exactly what I told them to do." He growled slightly at them.
"Orangekit, are you doing okay?" She nudged him affectionately. He looked up at her, finally losing contact with the other kits. "Hopefully." He sighed. Colouredfur frowned then sat up straight, looking down at Orangekit.
"Look, I'm your mother, you can tell me anything. Why do they bother you so much?" Orangekit's ear flicked again.
"What do you think?" He hissed. "Look at me. All I am is a disappointment. Well, that's all that I can see." He stood up tall, facing his mother.
"What makes you think that?"
"How cats treat me. And everyone is soooo worried about me being a warrior. They think I'll never be a good enough warrior by the looks of me." He sat back down on the moss. He silently sat there, not regretting the words he said and should've said.
"Well, I see nothing wrong with you, I'm sure you'll make a fine warrior, who cares what they think?" She smiled gently at him. Orangekit looked back up at his mother and smiled a little back.
"Thank you, mother. So... do you really expect me to go out there?"
"Yes, Toadkit and your sister have your back so don't worry." Orangekit sighed then got up again, feeling guilty of his own self esteem and feelings about what others may think of him. He found it was difficult to leave the nursery while feeling sulky about who would want a plumpy fluff ball as their littermate or Clanmate, or to make it even worse, apprentice. No one would ever want to train him-
"Fine." He padded out, heading towards Toadkit and Squirrelkit. He ignored the cats around him as they looked at him. Squirrelkit ran to Orangekit and happily touched her nose on his fur.
"Yay, you came!" She mewed. He looked at Toadkit as she smiled at him.
"Well, I've decided to give it another chance." He smiled, feeling happy about what Squirrelkit and his mother said. He was happy Squirrelkit and Toadkit were always there for him. Though he did feel uneasy as more kits continued to glare at him. He tried to ignore it by making a pouncing position at his sister. Squirrelkit also crouched and eyed her brother playfully. Orangekit focused into his sister's bright yellow eyes about to pounce but was rudely interrupted by a tom who walked right over to Toadkit and whispered something into her ear. He narrowed his eyes and looked at him. He saw how Toadkit frowned and hissed at the tom to go away. Orangekit faced the kit which his name was Badgerkit. His ears perked up.
"What do you want, Badgerkit?" He growled.
"I heard that your father was once a kittypet."
"Who cares?" Orangekit hissed, his left ear flicked irritatedly. Squirrelkit sighed and looked at Badgerkit in disbelief because no one had ever told her about that yet.
"Just saying, Chubby." He smiled. Orangekit stared at that long piece of Badger feces that seemed to be talking to him. Badgerpaw growled under his breath and walked away.
"You take that back!" Orangekit hissed and ran at him. "I am not!" He paused as Badgerkit turned and hissed back, arching his back.
"Are too!"
"Am not!" Orangekit yelled and clawed the ground. Toadkit saw this and pounced on Badgerkit, pinning him down with her weight. Her tail swayed in annoyance. Orangekit glared at Toadkit and narrowed his eyes at her. She stepped off of Badgerkit and he hilariously scurried away like a frightened mouse.
"I'm sorry for fighting your fight, I just can't stand stuff like that." Toadkit apologized. Orangekit faced her, sensing something by the look she just made. Orangekit always hated when she did stuff like that. That was his only chance to stand up for himself, and she blew it! She only wants to do things herself, not let anyone else handle it, he thought. It wasn't even her business either.
"Yeah. It's fine." He spoke weakly mixed with a growl, showing a fake smile, trying not to seem angry. He turned away and began to walk back to the nursery. Toadkit sighed and ran off somewhere else, Squirrelkit was still confused. Colouredfur frowned as she watched Orangekit pad towards the nursery den. Orangekit was still far from the nursery when he heard paw steps moving behind him.
"Don't go yet, Orange!" An orangey brown kit with black spiral patterns on his legs and ears hissed and ran after him. Squirrelkit turned her head at the black and brown kit and watched him approach her brother. Orangekit's ears violently flicked in annoyance and he quickly faced him.
"What?" Orangekit snapped.
"Fatty!" The kit slashed the side of his face. Orangekit yowled and fell over on his side.
"Hey, Fatty, aren't you gonna fight back or are you just too weak to even do that?" The kit laughed. Squirrelkit ran to the brown kit and hissed,
"LEAVE HIM ALONE, DO YOU NOT HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO?!" Orangekit heard his sister yell but wasn't able to hear what she said. The only thing he heard was ringing in his ears and the faded sounds of the meows from other cats. He placed his paw on his cheek. His cheek stung and blood ran down it. He opened his eyes, only seeing blurred colours. He blinked a few times, trying to get his sight back. Suddenly the ringing stopped and his vision came back.
"You're right. I don't have anything better to do," Snakekit laughed. Orangekit's ear flicked again. He narrowed his eyes, got up and slowly faced him. The brown kit forcely nudged him, wanting to see if he'd fight back. Orangekit growled, he had it! He leaped and quickly slashed deep back into his face. The kit yowled and bit hard on his scruff. The two fought as kit's watched, few cheered. After a while, Colouredfur emerged from the nursery and growled down at the two fighting kits, disappointment in her green eyes. Orangekit stopped and looked around the camp. All the cat's eyes were on him. He looked up at his mother.
"Orangekit, Snakekit, why are you fighting like this?" Snakekit growled at Orangekit. He slouched, looking away from them. Immediately, Graykit charged out of the nursery. Her tail was dark gray and her four paws were white. Her eyes, a greenish blue.
"Snakekit started it!" She hissed, she'd seen everything. She stood at the left side of Colouredfur. Orangekit looked at her. A smile crossed his face.
"Snakekit, what did you call Orangekit?" A few other cats came to see what all the ruckus was about.
"Badgerkit and Snakekit called him mean things." She stated as she looked up at their mom. Orangekit looked at Squirrelkit. He felt so relieved that his sister stood up for him. He wasn't even going to say anything, knowing that whatever he was to say, he'd probably get blamed for whatever Snakekit did.
"I called him what he is." Snakekit looked over at Squirrelkit, "Am I right, Squirrelkit?" Orangekit saw their mother stroll her face close to Snakekit and draw back her lips to a snarl. Squirrelkit hissed in anger, so did Graykit.
"Let me tell you something, Snakekit. No cat will tolerate a bully, someone will get tired of it and eventually kill you...is that what you want?"
Colouredfur spat towering over Snakekit.
"No, Ma'am." Orangekit smirked as Snakekit's ears lowered a little. Snakekit stuck out his tongue at Orangekit before padding off. Orangekit smiled up at his mother. She looked down at him, smiling back before heading back to the nursery.
"Kits these days, am I right?" Orangekit lightly shook his head as he heard Frostbite, a friend of their mom and dad when they were apprentices. Orangekit looked at Squirrelkit and smiled. He still felt the blood running down his face.
"Oh no, are you okay?" She remembered and saw the three slashes. She nudged Orangekit affectionately. He looked over at Snakekit playing with Badgerkit.
"Yeah. I will be." He nudged her with his head.
"May all cats old enough to kill their own prey, come for a Clan meeting." A voice suddenly spoke from the high rock. Orangekit and Squirrelkit saw warriors and apprentices go under the ledge where Sugarheart, their leader, was sitting on. Colouredfur began to walk to the rock. Before Colouredfur passed Orangekit and his sister, she mewed to them to go back into the nursery. Orangekit nodded and they both did as they were told. Claypool entered the camp, wanting to check on Squirrelkit and Orangekit, but he saw the meeting was starting so he sat down under the rock with the other warriors first. Orangekit walked past the other kits.
"Ah! Not next to me, you'll squish me," mewed one of the kit's in the den. Orangekit ignored them and laid down in his spot, tucking his paws underneath himself. Graykit laid next to him.
"Hey, Orangekit!" Orangekit looked at her.
"What?" He looked at her confused.
"You don't remember me?" She joked around acting as if she were surprised that Orangekit hadn't recognized her. His ear flicked.
"Of course I do," he said. And of course he remembered. They'd been friends ever since they were newborns.
"Hey, those scratches look pretty deep." She said, concernedly. Orangekit looked away and smiled.
"I know."
"Want me to take you to the med-" Orangekit's ears tilted back and he quickly unsheathed his claws. He glared at her and she paused.
"I'm fine," he chuckled. "Okay?" Graykit looked away from Orangekit, not expecting him to do that. He was acting even more aggressive. Once she remembered, he never acted this way. It creeped her out a little, but being his friend, she didn't show such fear towards him even though he might scent it on her. But usually when he did, he apologized and tried to make her feel better. She understood he was going through some difficult stuff. But, whenever she tried to help, he'd snap at her. Her, not exactly knowing why. She'd like to help him, wanting him to not freak out about it. Orangekit looked and spotted Squirrelkit. He got up and walked towards his sister. He sat near the entrance of the nursery and listened to the meeting.
"Today, Toadkit will become Toadpaw. And, hmm Frostbite, would you like to mentor her?" Sugarheart asked.
"Oooo, yes!"
"Then it's settled. Also, Goosepaw gets his warrior name today, his warrior name will be Goosestripe." Goosestripe puffed his chest out proudly. Claypool smiled proud at Goosestripe. He couldn't believe he mentored him.
"He will have his first meal in the warriors den tonight. And Frostbite, you may train Toadpaw tomorrow at sun high." Frostbite nodded excitedly. Orangekit sighed and turned around to face his littermates. "Oh well. It seems like Toadpaw isn't one of us anymore. Though, I always had a feeling she disliked me. I can think of a few good reasons."
"B-but she stood up for you earlier, of course she likes you." Squirrelkit said, thinking he was just messing around.
"Maybe. Or, that's probably what she wants you to think. On the outside it shows she likes me. But...on the inside.."
"Oh, shut up, Orangekit! You wanna know the reason why she doesn't like you? It's the way you are, mouse-brain!" One of the random kit's yelled.
"Hehe...yeah," Badgerkit snickered.
"Why do you guys pick on him so much?" Squirrelkit hissed, getting annoyed.
"I wouldn't be acting like this if it weren't for all of you!" Orangekit cried.
"Shut it, fatty. No one wants to hear your nonsense." Other kit's in the den continued to hiss. Graykit stood up and unsheathed her claws. Orangekit could sense she didn't like to do that.
"Guys, can we please stop this?" She said, sounding more clear and mature. "Leave Orangekit alone." Badgerkit growled at Graykit, "What are you gonna do about it?" He stalked close to Graykit. She looked at Orangekit then down at her paws.
"Nothing. He doesn't need any of you bugging him all the time just because of the way he looks."
"Don't you know anything?" Badgerkit smirked at Snakekit and the others. "His father was a kittypet, same with Squirrelkit." Orangekit groaned, "So what?" Orangekit stood in front of Badgerkit. "He's the best dad ever. And I'm sure your dad isn't as unique as ours." Badgerkit hissed from Orangekit's response.
"Yeah, our dad's the deputy!" Said Squirrelkit as she puffed out her chest.
"My dad's Yellowcloud, only the strongest warrior ever." Badgerkit said, sounding like a show off, he spat at Squirrelkit. Orangekit squinted his eyes and smiled at him. "Whatever you say."

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