

real or unreal?
sometimes I think what is real..
whatever I feel through my senses , is it all real , because there are philosophies which say this world is unreal , but either the philosophy is imaginary or this world..
the things we don't know, the unsolved mysteries, and the unanswered questions seems to be real , which make it all an ugly lie , my mere existence felt unreal for instance..
the pain I suffer , is it not really there?
it makes my struggle a dramatic story , am i really playing with the unreal toys.
the god we pray seems to be the realest even at times we can't sense him..
do senses we got make sense at all if whatever we feel through them is unreal..
the pleasure is unreal then why is it there , to make fool of me , to keep me stay here in this shallow world away from the real thing?
when I will end would it be really the end or beginning?
the concept of soul still does not feel to be real , but we heard it, read about it , and that hollow belief made the space in the box of our unreal senses i.e. our brain..
the clarity isn't there , being unknown of it , we feel it's real , the story will end , we don't want to believe in it , whether it's about soul or about rebirth..
we don't even know that it really happens still we are struggling and finding ways to escape through it , the philosophies developed forming the belief that stopping of rebirth is something that they call salvation, but before I did not feel what they felt , I don't go through the process they went through, I can't say it's unreal.. through those so called unreal senses they felt something real which is not of this world .. the question stays the same , was it real , they stopped feeling things from this world , feeling nothing is like feeling something different or they got some different senses..
the control over the senses , it's something which make someone feel all the desires unreal so leave them , and all that left for them is the reality..
maybe whatever I wrote doesn't make sense at all , i wrote what came in my unreal mind , the thoughts can be unreal too , maybe it means I'm a fool but if it makes you question your believes then you shouldn't think I'm fool , but the truth is I am a fool because I didn't read much but I just stay and keep asking questions, which make it useless.. but it's not about me , maybe you would start searching for the answers..
thankyou for your time , whether it's real or unreal..
© Darkness whispers