

My Chapter 21....

Chapter 21 – Shhhh

Greg and the girls recovered and Michelle is still in a coma. Greg had to take the girls back home until morning when they would go back.
April’s face went three or four shades lighter, she was holding her trembling hand and pointed into the next room of the Victorian home, it was dark.
“April what’s wrong!?” Greg let out.
Rachael was sleeping, when Greg looked to see what April was frightened of he saw something so terrifying he almost had a bowel movement.
A VERY large Shadow figure was standing there at least 8 feet tall and big red glowing eyes. Greg thought quick and pulled the blanket over him and the two girls head.
“Shhhh, it will leave if we be quite, just try to go to sleep April, I will stay awake okay!?” Greg said with a shaky voice, he was terrified of what him and April just seen.
April was trying to go to sleep until they heard a very chilling demonic voice speaking in some kind of tongues.
Rachael woke up.
“Daddy is that a monster!?” Rachael asked in fear of the scary demonic voice right outside there blanket.
“Shhhh, it will go away sweetie just close your eyes and plug your ears.
Greg yelled out as loud as he could.
After Greg yelled out the voice stopped and left them alone the rest of the night. They all slept under the blankets, Greg was to frightened himself to let his head out.

© WesleyMcvay