

The Screams of Regret
I never believed in love at first sight until the day I laid my eyes upon her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, with long flowing black hair, piercing green eyes and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. Her name was Lady Isabella, and she was the daughter of the wealthy lord who ruled over our small medieval village.

I was just a mere stable boy, working hard day in and day out to earn a living. But from the moment I saw her, I knew I had to make her mine. I would often catch glimpses of her as I went about my work, and each time my heart would skip a beat. I knew I was not worthy of her, but that didn't stop me from dreaming of a life with her by my side.

Despite my efforts to catch her attention, Lady Isabella never seemed to notice me. She was always surrounded by suitors, all vying for her hand in marriage. I knew I could never compete with the noble knights and wealthy lords who courted her, but I couldn't bear the thought of her being with anyone else.

One night, I found myself wandering through the dark and eerie forest that surrounded our village. My heart was heavy with unrequited love, and I needed to clear my mind. As I walked deeper into the woods, I stumbled upon an old abandoned castle. The moonlight shone down upon it, casting an eerie glow on its crumbling walls.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist the urge to explore. I made my way inside, and as I wandered through the empty halls, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched. But I ignored my instincts and continued on my journey.

As I made my way through the castle, I came upon a grand ballroom. The room was filled with old cobweb-covered furniture, and in the center stood a grand piano. My eyes were immediately drawn to it, and before I knew it, my hands were caressing the keys, producing a beautiful melody that echoed through the empty halls.

But as I played, I felt a presence behind me, and my heart skipped a beat. I turned around, but no one was there. I tried to shrug it off as my imagination, but then I heard a voice. 'Who are you?' it asked.

I turned around to see Lady Isabella standing before me, looking just as breathtaking as ever. My heart raced, and I couldn't find the words to speak. She stepped closer to me, and I could feel her breath on my skin. 'I asked, who are you?' she repeated, her voice stern.

'I am just a humble stable boy, my lady,' I managed to stutter out.

She looked at me with a mix of curiosity and amusement. 'A stable boy who can play the piano like a master,' she said with a small smile.

I couldn't believe she was talking to me, let alone complimenting me. I felt like I was in a dream. But then she asked the question that shattered my fantasy. 'Why are you here? What do you want from me?'

I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth, that I loved her and had been secretly admiring her from afar. So I lied and said, 'I was just exploring, my lady. I never knew this castle even existed.'

She seemed to accept my answer and invited me to explore the castle with her. We spent hours walking through the halls, and I couldn't believe my luck. But as the night drew to a close, Lady Isabella bid me farewell and returned to her own home, leaving me alone in the abandoned castle.

As I made my way back to the village, I couldn't stop thinking about my encounter with Lady Isabella. I knew I had to see her again, and the castle seemed like the perfect place to do so. So I began sneaking out every night to go to the abandoned castle, hoping to catch another glimpse of her.

But as the days went by, things began to take a sinister turn. The villagers started whispering about the abandoned castle and how anyone who entered never returned. Some even claimed to have seen ghosts roaming the halls.

But I was blinded by my love for Lady Isabella, and I paid no heed to their warnings. Until one night, as I was making my way through the castle, I heard her voice again. I followed it, and it led me to a room I had never been in before. The room was filled with portraits of Lady Isabella, each one more lifelike than the last.

And then I saw her, standing in front of a mirror, her reflection staring back at her. But there was something off about her. Her once beautiful features were now distorted, and her eyes were filled with a haunting emptiness.

I realized too late that I had fallen into a trap, and Lady Isabella was not who she seemed to be. She was not the woman I loved, but an evil spirit seeking vengeance for her unrequited love. As she lunged towards me, I could hear her whisper, 'Now you will never leave me.'

And I was never seen again in the village. Some say I disappeared into the woods, lost forever. But those who knew the truth whispered about the abandoned castle and the restless spirit of Lady Isabella that still haunts its halls, waiting for her next victim driven by unrequited love.

© Impulsiveinspirations