

Primal Beast | A Gift For Louise
Lime green eyes narrow down at large tracks left in the snow. The woman sighs, knowing the child she protects is off somewhere in the forest behind her home. Louise hopes the girl hasn't gotten stuck in a tree or a ditch.

Hearing a deep rumbling purr, Louise looks up towards the line of trees, a smile on her lips as she sees Vega. Vega had bounded quickly towards the woman, happy to see her guardian greet her arrival.

"I see you're up earlier for once young lady," Louise teases lightly, scratching the base of one of the beast's growing horns.

Vega looks up at Louise, something strange hanging out of her snout. She presses her nose against her guardian's shoulder, wanting her to take the object she held.

Confused, the woman takes what Vega held, asking, "What even is this?"

Vega transforms back to normal, now a ten-year-old girl with a mischievous grin on her face.

"It's a monster spider's fang!" Louise's face pales as she wonders how her ward even found a huge spider in this weather.

"That's nice, Vega." Louise accepts the strange gift, happy that at least Vega was getting better at bringing back things that weren't dead animals or monsters.

The two soon went inside, trying to find a good place to put Vega's latest hunting trophy.

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