

The friendship that follows me whose name is a single point... Mister Virus chapter 32.
Have you ever had a person with a name called Point(.) who follows you on Facebook and now he comes to follow you on Writco? If you answer is No, my answer is yes. Mister Virus like all narcissistic perverse has a way of communicating that is very different from us. Once his victim escapes, he seeks to annoy in every way in order to bring him back.

I have more than 15,000 followers on my facebook page, I am sharing my citations with various groups in which I am involved. My publications before, reached more than 30,000 people with only one, mister Virus when penetrating my page, reduces the visibility so that less people could see me. He bothers me so much that sometimes I had to post him on my page to make him stop. He kept getting worse because he still wants to prove his innocence.

Mister Virus, wants always to teach me he is innocent of everything that I am declaring him guilty of in a wrong way.

I remembered I went in the Mister Virus hotel and was talking to him, was talking to Mr. Virus while we were in bed, and I always use catchphrase" Y YA" is a Spanish word, I always used it to put a point in something I said. I always said Y YA and Mister Virus repeated after me to make fun, it's like he wanted to play with me. It's like he likes when I said "Y YA" At the end of the conversation. I wondered what's is so nice for him when I said this word? I really could understand.

That man, when he annoyed me so much and I decided to post his photo on my facebook page, he sent his flying monkeys to tell me" Y YA". Sometimes to sharee I open my facebook page, here there was always a publication made for me that was waiting for me in response from Mr. Mister Virus to me. Everyone was with that single Motto: Y YA. When mister Virus sees that I ignore him, he changes it with Y Point (.) Below my posts there was people whos commented with a single point (.) Friend requests came to me with a single point(.) This single point (.) likes my publications, now this single point follows me on Writco. Could you understand how this kind of people bothered someone?

As I have dealing a lot with Mister Virus and I understood a lot how the animal speaks, that is why I can understand him. These kinds of people are demons incarnate and just like Satan and his demons use people to reach their goals, the perverse narcissists also use people calling flying monkeys to do their dirty work for him.

What Mister Virus wanted me to understand and manipulate me with was: I was not the one who bothered you, nor did I send to annoy you anyone because the only thing that I remembered to have done to annoy you was: when I repeated after you saying "Y YA".

Trust me if you could, that is the only explanation that Mister Virus wanted to give me, when he sent several people to repeat me, to comment under my publications and even sent me a friend request with this single point (.). It was that explanation that Mr. Virus wanted to give me. And believe me, Mister Virus has more than 3 years trying to convince me with that same explanation through his flying monkeys and he's still waiting for an answer in to me telling him that I believe him. What a fool this man is! Ufff

Let me answer you mister Virus: I believe you, you know? and I never published you on my facebook page, I never spoke badly to you, I never did anything to you when you bothered me too much. The only thing I said to returning you was: with a single comma. (,) You said me Poin (.) and I answer you comma.(,) That's all
Mister Virus. You won...

© RebChrist888