

Obsession (Prologue)
[3rd POV..]

"Why did you do this..." A soft voice resounded throughout the room.

"... I'm the villain remember~? Ashe.. Always the villain~ Never the hero.." The boy responded with a stoical grin as he stared at the male bleeding out from horrible stab wounds.

"You're not.. Like this.. But I still.. Forgive you." he replied with a weak chuckle eventually dying.


He began stomping around the place and swung his arm about, as he flung his arms about he happened to smack a vase that was placed on a desk beside him.


The vase shattered from impact as something fell out.. A folded up note.

The dying man on the floor weakly said with his last breath, "Read it.. I would never.. Hurt you.. I.. Love you.." He murmured as his face went pale and ge went limp.

Ashe stood there frozen at what he had just heard.

_Love..? Was what I was feeling called.. Love?_

From when the man saw 'him' with another guy.. He had clenched and gritted his teeth.

To another point when he saw 'him' around a flirty manwhore.. He felt like destroying something.

To the last point when 'he'.. Was close to a knight.. He had snapped and went nonsensical.

Kidnapping the now 'him' into his house..

'He' was weird... Almost like he expected it but Ashe had business to do the 'villain' that everyone hated..

He had to clear the evil forest..

Everyone was waiting for him to die but he didn't..

He survived and came back stronger, and the first thing he did was to check up on 'him' only to see 'him' talking with the knight.

Outraged he made the knight get dragged out from his property and sent everyone away, stabbing him multiple times with slight tears in his eyes.

'He' was shocked but accepted this fact nevertheless...

• • •

Ashe unfolded the note and read it, "I love him so much.. I love him.. I love him! I LOVE HIM!" The note was insane as the words eventually became scattered everywhere on the letter with black ink.

Ashe froze, "No way..." He stumbled back onto the desk, "He loved me too..." Ashe slowly began breaking down as he fell to his knees heartbroken.

"I killed you... Why do you still love me!" He screamed at the body as he lifted the body towards him gently.

The boys pale face under the moonlight made him look like a fairy..

"I hope that in our next lives.. We'll be together without any misunderstanding.. I'll do whatever you want.. I'll be anything you want.." Ashe murmured to the body and kissed his forehead before taking the bloodied knife.

He decided to use that one black magic to link them together.. The price? Eternal darkness for millions of years.

_Anything for him.._ Ashe thought solemnly as he murmured the ancient curse on the knife and stabbed himself at the chest, twisting it three times..

Groaning in agony before he became limp but he still feels the chill from the pain his body is undergoing..

"I love you too.. My dear."

© Naruko