

Please love me?! #4
Read it's before episodes to understand this episode better :O

Ishla asked Arlo for his reasons to being upset .

Arlo : It's about... Siria.

Ishla ฅ'ω'ฅ: Then I need to gather everyone.

Ishla called others.

Henry ʕ•ε•ʔ: What happen ?

Ishla 'Ω': He is upset because of Siria.

Arlo (。ŏ_ŏ): I guess I'm just fine.

Hazel (¬_¬): I think you should tell us truth.

Max °Д°:Which truth?

Luna v_v: Think about it. In our office building we have 8 floors the main floor is first floor and it is main because our boss office is on it and all leaders cabins are also here ,
leaders like Henry and Hazel are leaders of 3rd and 4th floor which is of RPG games department and I and Max are leaders of 5th and 6th floor which is of Bl comics department and Kai and Ishla are leaders of 7th and 8th floor which is of...