

Chapter 1 -Mood Swings
Peter always seemed to be a normal kid, until around 8 yrs. old is when things began to change a little, I guess you could say. He began showing signs of extreme mood swings. Something as little as spilled milk would throw Peter into a rampage, his rage was becoming a concern to his family so they decided to take him to a doctor when he was about 11 years old, Nobody ever thought he would do what he did and Chicago never knew they had to live in fear wherever they went, until Peter came along.
Chapter 2 - Doctor Levi
Peter's parents were Richard and Sarah Stanford. Richard was a 3rd shift Policeman in Chicago and Sarah was a stay at home mom. Peter was they're only Son. Sarah had a secret she was going to let Richard and Peter in on but she wanted to wait until after the doctor's visit.
They were in the waiting area awaiting Peter's name to be called back to the doctor. Peter:
"Why are we here, how come I have to see a doctor??" Peter said, very eagerly as he did not want to be their.
I told you he is going to talk to all of us then he will probably have some questions to ask you ok??, Just answer the best you can. Sarah said.
"This is so FUCKING stupid!!" Peter snipped.
“Hey!!!, You watch your mouth young man, now we were going to get you your favorite ice cream after this if you can be patient and we will see Doctor Levi in a few minutes then we can leave son, ok??” Peters father asked him.
“FINE!!!” Peter Shouted as he tucked his head down and folded his arms up.
“ummm, Peter Stanford” the doctor called.
"Yes, right here.” Richard acknowledge
“come on back guys. This must be Peter am I right.” The doctor said
“ yeah I'm Peter, do you have any suckers or cool stickers??” Peter asked rudely
“well young man, how about we get through the boring stuff first, is that okay?” The Doctor said.
“uggh, fine” Peter mumbled under his breath.

Chapter 4 - Prescription
“Ok mom and dad thank you so much, if you wouldn’t mind, you can go back and sit in the waiting room please and Peter do you mind hanging out with me for a bit?? I only needed your parents to help with the paperwork.” The Doctor said.
“Okay, but you better hurry doctor my mom and dad said I get my favorite ice cream after this.” Peter rudely said to Doctor Levi
“PETER!!” his mother Sarah yelled out.
“It...it's ok mom, we will be just fine.” The doctor assured
ok thank you so much Dr. Levi, Peter sit up straight and list,en what he says he's here to help you. “ Peters mother told him
“Uggh FINE!! Peter tucked his head and folded his arms again.
Richard and Sarah went back to the waiting room.
“So Peter why don’t we get to kn. Mya little bit, do you like games??” The doctor asked him.
“No! people like to cheat all the time, and I never win.” Peter snapped.
Well kid y, we in luck, this game has no winner or loser. Here, here’s a piece of paper and a pencil, first I’d like to see what hand do you write with Peter?? The doctor asked,
“I’m left-handed like my dad; he’s a police officer, you know?” Peter said
“Well, would you see their, we already have 2 things in common Peter. My father was also a Policeman, right here in Chicago. And I as well am a left hander. My father though he was a Righty.” The doctor shared
“ ok let’s get this pencil and paper out of here, we don't need this right now.” Doctor Levi said.
“How are you feeling right now Peter??” the doctor asked.
“I'm really angry” Peter said.
“Okay, understandable, you don't want to be stuck in an office with some strange Doctor when you could be eating ice cream right now am I right?” Doctor Levi asked.
“Yes, can I go now please??” Peter asked aggressively.
“Ok Peter, go tell your mom and dad to come get this paper work I have, you can wait right out their okay, turn the T.V. on if you’d like, ok bud.” The doctor said kindly.
“YES!! Ok but don’t make them be in here forever and ever or I will scream very loud and say bad words like ass and shit.” Peter explained in a rude manner
“It will be brief kiddo I promise you”...The doctor assured.
“Hey mom and dad come on in.” Doctor Levi said.
“I know it was quick today, mom and, dad but I am a very experienced Doctor of mental health; it you; it takes but minutes for me to get an understanding of what's going on, especially in younger patience. I'm prescribing Peter: Risperdal, your son was showing signs of mania and mood swings and Risperdal will help. Bi Polar Disorder is the most common of mental health but in your son's case it's just a little more severe, but, the meds might have interactions, so watch for abnormal behavior , in your son or any discoloring to the skin, weight gain or dizziness anything like that, you two just give me a call here on my cell phone, you can call anytime a day or night and I will answer or get back to you asap. I will need him back here at the beginning of next month for a follow up. Doctor Levi explained.
“Thank you so much Doctor.” Sarah said
“And we will see you Next month Doctor, again thank you.” Richard said.
“I'll see you guys then, take care. Oh wait, here, give these suckers to Peter tell him they were my last four he can have two and I want him to pick one for each of you too have,; I know you hand him four suckers and say two are yours, he might not go for that, but this is a test, tell him that he had to pick one for each of you and I will thank him when I se again. Just let me know his response and if he decides to not share with you, just let that be okay. When you get home do that for me and let me know his EXACT reaction and response. Ok that's mom and dad's homework for this time.” The doctor said.
“We will doctor Levi, I'll give you a call in a few.” Sarah said.
“Thank you. Have a nice day you two.” Doctor Levi said

Chapter 5 - Don't play me a sucker
“Ok we are home guys, who's up for pizza tonight for dinner??” Richard asked.
“Pizza!?!?” Sarah asked in disagreement.
“ Yeah Pizza, pizza, pizza!!!” Peter said excited.
“Ok 2 against one I guess, pizza it is.” Sarah said.
They got inside and Peter started gunning for his room upstairs.
“Peter wait a second.” Sarah said.
“Mom WHAT!? I want to go play my damn Xbox Jeez.” Peter snapped.
“Watch your mouth young man. I just want to know what you thought of Dr. Levi, he was nice wasn't he?” Sarah asked.
I know you don’t like it but we took you to a Very good Doctor Peter and he wants to help your mood swings and anger you have troubles with. Only 2 more years Peter then you'll be a teenager and you'll be kissing girls and have a girlfriend....Peter cut her off.
“Shut up mom you don't know my girlfriend's, I have like 20 girlfriends in school and I have boy friends and one teacher friend too because he gave me ice cream before because I did good at my homework.” Peter said.
Here Peter, Doctor Levi gave you four suckers but he wanted me to ask you to pick one out for your dad and one for me and you get two ok?” Sarah asked.
“No he didn't, these are my suckers he said were for me and you guys just are tricking me so you can have some.” Peter snapped.
So we don't get a sucker? Peter's mom Sarah asked.
“NO!!” He shouted as he began to run upstairs to his room.
Richard came back from the bathroom behind Sarah and rubbed her shoulders
“So I guess we didn’t get a sucker huh??” Richard asked his wife Sarah
“No, but I think the doctor knew that would happen.” Sarah said.
He’s the best mental health Doctor in Chicago, so I’m sure he’ll judge his reaction keenly.” Richard stated.
Chapter 6 – Smell that?
Peter was In his room, Playing on his Xbox game, he loved the Call of Duty games and games with blood and gore. His Xbox was hooked to a 45' flat screen T.V.
They had a family Dog named, Bark. He was a young healthy German Shepherd that they had got because they thought a companion for Peter might help him deal with things that trigger him.
‘Knock knock'
Whaaaaaaat Mom I know it's you and IM TRYING TO PLAY MY FUCKING GAME GOD DAMNIT!!!" Peter snapped.
Peter, you open this Damn door right now!!!, Your done with that now OPEN THE DOOR!!” Sarah yelled.
Peter 'Opens Door..
“What do you want!??” Peter snapped.
“I was.....Phew, what is that smell in here Peter??” Sarah asked.
Sarah kisses Peter on the forehead,
“I’m sorry for disturbing you love bug, go play your game sweetheart.” Sarah said.
“Ok Bye!!” Peter said as he slammed the door shut in his mothers face.
“Richard honey, I’m going to go in the back room here and call Dr. Levi” Sarah said.
“Ok babe, try to hurry up so we can watch our movie before I leave for work.” Richard said.
“Ok dear.” Sarah said.
Peter began to sniff and could smell that foul smell as well now, only he knew right where it was coming from. Peter walked to his closet where the smell was and opened it....

Chapter 6 - The Secret

Mrs. Standford (Sarah,Mom) was hiding a secret from her Husband and Peter. She wanted to tell them both at the same time but she decided to tell Richard first. She told Richard that she was 3 weeks pregnant and he started to jump for joy before Sarah calmed him down.
“Shhh... I wanted to tell Peter at the same time buuut, I think it's best to see if our next child is going be a brother or sister to Peter because he will want to know and you know he will throw a fit that he can't know right now.” Sarah said.
Good idea babe. 'Kisses her forehead' mmmmwah!! I love you ba....'Sniffles' what in the hell is that damn smell!??” Richard asked.
“I have no idea, it was strong up by Peter's room. But Richard could you give him a little more time, he has to take his Risperdal in two hours can you wait until then?” Sarah asked.
“Ok but you better spray some good smells around here or light a candle or something, please.” Richard said.
“Of course babe” Sarah said.
Peter was looking in his closet and what he was doing was not what normal kids do....The family dog, Bark, was on the floor of his closet, the inside of his stomach was laying next to him, Peter had gut him with a pocket knife he had took out of his dad's shed. Both his eye balls were cut out and looked like Peter had smushed them on the closet wall.....
“Crap, my parents can smell you Bark, Bad Dog. Now I need to sneak you out somehow”
...Peter dragged the puppy by his tail and took him to the window to throw him outside, leaving Blood to drag across his bedroom floor.
'Throws Bark out window' Get out of here you stupid Mutt, he said with no remorse.
Peter went in his bathroom and grabbed stuff to clean up his Demented made mess...

Chapter 7 - Phsychward

Mr. And Mrs. Standford caught Peter cleaning up his little mess, then shortly found the beloved family dog, Sarah began screaming horrifically as she realized what she was seeing, right now she was at the closet with a couple smushed puppy eyeballs, one on the wall and one on the floor. And the Guts of they're poor family dog Bark spread across the closet floor. They called the Doctor and he suggested we bring him to the mental facility that he works at and drop him off. So they did just that, Only they had a sheriff take him because after they caught what he did he got extremely angry, crying and screaming and stomping and throwing things. Even broke his parents biggest window in the living room, he kept insisting Bark was fine and they were just playing a game.....Peter screamed and cried out the whole drive their.


“I'm taking you to a hospital son, your going to see some doctors. The Sheriff went to look in his mirror to make eye contact with him when Peter got quite and his head was down.
“are you Okay back their??” the sheriff asked.
As the sheriff was looking in his rearview mirror, Peter raised his head slowly.
“WHAT THE FUCK!!!! The sheriff shouted.
When he seen Peter his face was a pale white and he had blood tears rolling down his cheeks.
BEEEEP,, BEEEEEEEP!!! A truck slammed on his horn

Whoa shit!! The Sheriff shouted while trying to keep control of his vehicle.
The Sheriff must have Dozed off.

Peter was 'Smiling' then asked are we almost their?
The Sheriff snapped out of it and quickly said, Yes only a few more miles kid..."What the fuck was that!?" The sheriff asked himself under his breath in complete and utter shock.
"The dream was so real!" He again thought to himself and couldn’t believe he had fell asleep just like that while driving with a kid in the back.

“Ok kid were here, I'll walk you in ok?” the sheriff said.

“Whatever!” Peter said sleepy like, as if he was dozing off himself in the back of the sheriff's car.

Chapter 8 - The Doctors in
The sheriff walked Peter into the building and told the nurse at the counter who Peter was.
“Ok, Thank you so much sheriff.”
She said with a big smile as the sheriff turned and walked out of the door.
“Hi there Peter, how are you doing today?” the nurse asked.
“I don't want to be in this Stupid dumb place!” Peter said.
“Well your going to have to follow me now Peter. We're just going to go over here to this bathroom, I have some blue pants and gown for you to change into then I'm going to show you to your room and you can wait for the doctor to come in okay?” Nurse Gretchen asked in kind manner.
“why do I have to be at this idiotic place??” Peter asked.
“I'm going to let Doctor Steve Newton explain that to you.” Nurse Gretchen explained.
Peter went in the bathroom and changed then came back out.
Nurse Gretchen took Peter through a door that led to a hallway. The hospital had Kids Peters age up to 17 years of age in it. There was rooms on each side of the hallway, it led to a big room at the end with tables kids could color or eat at. One of the rooms had couches in it and a T.V. but you could only watch VHS movies on VCR. The Nurse took Peter to his room on the right side of the hallway. Peter could here kids begging to go home, other kids were walking up and down the hallway, some talking to themselves and some walking really slow, one was even slobbering on himself.
Peter sat on his bed.
Nurse Gretchen gave Peter a nasty look right before she left the room, a look of disgust. Peter was confused she was so nice, why the dirty look now?
Chapter 9 - Dr. Newton
"I don't want to be in this Stupid dumb place!" Peter said to himself with a little rage.
“Hi their Peter, I'm Dr. Newton.” The doctor said.
“I don't care, your stupid and I don't want to be in this dumb place you stupid idiot.” Peter snapped.
“Ok I understand where your coming from their young man but I can assure you we are only here to help you.” Doctor Newton assured.
The Doctor left and Peter went to look out of his door. "Heeeeeelp Noooooooo PLEEEEASE don't!!" There was a kid being dragged by his arms down the hallway by two male nurse's. The boy couldn't have been but a year or so younger then Peter was, seemed most of them in their were teenagers all ready. Peter went back to his bed and laid down. They had cameras in every room so the doctors could watch they're actions when they needed too.
"This is so stupid. That STUPID dumb dog got me in trouble!!!" Peter said to himself with no compassion for the poor little German Shepard he gutted up in his closet and left their until the smell got bad then threw him out his window. Peter had just turned 11 three weeks ago but that's old enough to understand what he did was wrong and he still committed this heinous act of violence on a poor innocent Dog that did nothing but love him. Instead of being scared of being in the facility against his own will Peter was only furious. He was angry at poor bark, he was Angry at his parents for putting him in their and so far from home where his Xbox was.

Chapter 10 - Manic Energy

Dr. Newton was in his office at a monitor to watch over Peter to see how he reacts to being their right ,now. Peter sat up, swung his feet off the bed, and put his head down. Dr. Newton was watching intensively as Peter slowly looked up at the Camera. Peter had darker color hair that hung down on both sides and went over his eyes a lot, His mother and father hated it but he refused to cut it. His mother had mentioned one time that she thought because he's so angry all the time he looked scary with it. He had dark colored eyes that popped out big with his dark hair that also had some curls in it. Dr. Newton watched as he looked up at the camera with his hair hanging down somewhat over his eyes. Peter gave the camera the middle finger. Then he laid back down and cuffed his hand on his chest while crossing one foot over the other. Dr. Newton had a look of shock on his face. "There was something different about this kid." The doctor thought to himself.
Bi Polar is a disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.
The exact cause of bipolar disorder isn’t known, but a combination of genetics, environment, and altered brain structure and chemistry may play a role. Manic episodes may include symptoms such as high energy, reduced need for sleep, and loss of touch with reality. Depressive episodes may include symptoms such as low energy, low motivation, and loss of interest in daily activities. Mood episodes last days to months at a time and may also be associated with suicidal thoughts. Doctor Newton had all of his information and Peter just fell asleep so Dr. Newton thought he would look over his paperwork which includes information/Stories of past incidents that his parents faxed to him...

Chapter 11 - Go home nurse

A nurse came into Peter's room. "Knock, knock" the nurse said as she walked in the room with a dinner tray.
“It's time to eat kid, I'm going to need to check vitals really quick and I'll have your pill ready for you when you are done eating ok?”
Peter was on his stomach when the Nurse nudged him a little bit and he felt completely stiff.
"Kid your dinners here." The nurse said
She turned Peter over and what she saw turned her face white as bone clean of blood.
His eyeballs were sunk in and there were maggots crawling around in each eye hole. His mouth was clamped shut tight and his tongue was bit off and laying on his chest. In a pool of blood.
Ahhhhhh!!! NOOOOO heeeelp!” The nurse cried out
The nurse shouted and she began projectile vomiting all over the floor.
Nurse Gretchen came running in the room, "What's wrong?? What happened?? Are you okay?? She was crying uncontrollably and pointed to the bed. There was nobody in the bed. The Nurse went white again right before she passed out and fell on the floor. Nurse Gretchen heard a toilet flush in the bathroom shortly before Peter comes walking out.
Eeeew, that's gross!!! That lady is laying on puke she's nasty!!!” Peter said.

“What happened kid you tell me right now!??” Nurse Gretchen snapped
Nurse Gretchen helped the other nurse up and the nurse explained to her what she had seen. Nurse Gretchen was Too Nurse and ordered her to go home and get some sleep, explaining to her that she is just very tired and her mind was playing tricks on her...

Chapter 12 - What happened?
Nurse Gretchen Called in Doctor Levi the next morning, Doctor Newton was out and Doctor Levi was suppose to be their sometime in the afternoon.
“Hi Doctor Levi, I'm sorry for bugging you so early in the morning but yesterday one of my top Nurse's seen something in Peter's room, I don't know what he did but her face was white as clean snow when I came in after hearing her cry out like something awful happened. My nurse was terrified about something and today she quit her job. I know only you and Doctor Newton are allowed in the room to check camera's, I was wondering when you come in today if we could check out the camera and see
© WesleyMcvay