

My Couch And that Women
Driving on the road I drive up to a place
I would never thought I would be to
the church. I get there but the pandemic
got everything closed. So I can't ask for
what I need so I pray to myself get better. So I get back into the car an run
that motor to the next state an I see
a group of cars and I look and then as
I drive the area blows up. An I am like
I nearly missed that Damn but I will not
become wrong for someone else's right.
So I drive into the night and thanking my
lucky stars that I did not blow up in the
wrong way like the rest of the people.
Both why? well my thoughts lock because everybody wants to tease me
about not having a successful relationship. So of us are to damaged by
life to even understand. That our pain
is ours and not a building or a blocks
business to tell people. So if you got it
in for someone don't lie your way around
them and make fun of what you don't know! Because you could be messing up
a life that needs to get away from your
harassing nature. Your mouth could kill
whatever new chance that I even am
trying to become when this pandemic
is over. And don't tell your kin to call
me and then tell him not to say anything
to me. Because I will never answer that
call the way. That your anger is acting
got me thinking you all got a big hateful
nature that is not good for me. So my
id rides while you may be wronging my character. My arms are in the car and
mentally I have put you all on auto pilot
because some waters or land marks
Nice warm women you don't tread
because what comes around goes
around. And when my car pulls up
I just might have a big ass bomb
for you.
So for now let me get my health in
order. Cause cutting me down for
some hateful lady sneaking around
is not the way to make yourself feel
© lashes sullivan