

The Acts 13:26 Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent✍️.
The bible 📖 is God's mind, will and love letter to woo fallen humanity, to therewith know him, know ourselves, understand creation, the purpose of life and of our being.

And that we must receive as infallible, know it as inspired and accept as our only standard for truth and for all that can be termed true. 👇

Prayer: May light be granted to many that sits in darkness and light also to them in the light for the psalmist affirms that our lord alone is the fountain of life and in his light we shall continually see light psalms 36:9 and john adds saying 👉for as he is so are we in this world 🌍 1john 4:17. Jude adds for him alone is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before his presence with overwhelming joy (jude 1:21). paul concludes saying that christ is our peace who now through his sacrifice hath made all one by breaking the middle wall of separation that was between all God's children ephesians 2:14. hallelujah!

All thanks and glory to christ who hath brought us into the family 👪 of God. Amen and Amen. and to these sacred truths peter affirms to be amongst the eye witnesses of his majesty 2peter 1:16(the only endlessly ruling un-crowned self glorified👑 king, to him be glory forever more. Amen ✍️