

Dabi's Villain Rehab Part 4 An MHA Fanfic
BL warning! Homophobics leave. Dabi/Hawks (Hot wings 😏)
The sun had gone down an hour ago. Erasure had had enough of my attitude, and had used his scarf to climb the tree. Now he sat perched on a branch across from me, scowling,"Climb down." I ignored him-not for the first time-and continued to fidget with the small flame. He sighed before erasing my quirk, earning an icy glare. He smirked,"Now what?" I turned away from him, responding darkly,"You talk like you won." I then did a flip over the branch, hooking my legs around it's middle. Someone below us gasped, before a gust of wind blew my hair out of my face so I could see a blur of red wings. I pulled myself up momentarily, turning to Erasure,"What did you do?!" He grinned,"Oh, nothing." I let myself hang again, meeting a golden gaze,"Go away." Keigo shook his head stubbornly. Before I could stop him, he was unhooking my legs. I fell for a second, before he caught me in mid-air. He grinned at me as I stared at him, distraught. Landing, I jumped from his arms. I'd taken a half a step back towards the tree, before I was restrained with a familiar grey cloth. He jumped from the lowest branch if the tree,"Finally! Thanks Hawks, I don't know how much longer I could've lasted in that damn tree." Annoyed, I muttered,"Just leave me alone, already." A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against Keigo's body. I went to pull away from him but froze when he pulled my sweater off of my shoulders and began massaging them. I relaxed as my body melted. I tried fighting back a yawn, but failed miserably. Keigo chuckled softly,"You're still the same old softie I knew back then." I grumbled something unintelligible, before meeting Erasure's softened gaze. I looked away swaying on my feet as I yawned again, longer this time. My eyelids drifted closed, and I felt Keigo pick me up and carry me bridal style. Not long after, I felt myself being lowered onto a soft surface in my half asleep state. A warm finger brushed a piece of hair out of my face, before a hand cupped my cheek. My vision blurred, I could barely make out blurred red wings. I mumbled a tired goodnight, before I slipped into a dreamless sleep.
A ray of warmth crossed my face as I shifted in my sleep. My eyes fluttered open slowly, before I sat up and took in my surroundings. The night before, Keigo had played me on a bed with a black comforter beneath me and a knitted grey blanket to cover up with. The room was empty besides a tall wooden dresser and a small, open closet. The walls were a pale yellow color. A light knock sounded at the door. I lit my hand on fire, rising to stand beside the bed. The door opened as a familiar voice called out,"Patches, are you awake yet?" Keigo caught sight of my flame and froze, before softening,"It's just me." I relaxed my body-extinguishing the blaze-and lowered myself onto the floor shaking. He walked over, closing the door behind him. His rough hand cupped my cheek like it had the night before. He tilted my head up to look at him,"Are you okay, Touya?" I nodded slowly, averting his gaze. I heard him sigh, before he pulled me into his lap,"You're a terrible liar. What's wrong?" I just shrugged,"I don't know. I don't know anything anymore." He squeezed me, before he started playing with my messy black hair,"Well, you know you love waffles. Right?" I eyed him suspiciously,"Where are you going with this?" He pursed his lips,"Well, Aizawa may or may not have made chocolate chip waffles. Believe me when I say you don't want to miss out." I growled,"I don't want anything to do with any hero. You're the only exception, and even then you get on my nerves most the time." He laughed,"You know you love me." I rolled my eyes,"How'd you get that impression?" I turned away from him as he answered,"I don't know, I thought I was kinda special since I'm the only one who can do this without being burnt alive." I raised an eyebrow curiously,"What are you-" He spun me around so my legs were wrapped around his waist, and pulled me into a tight hug. I leaned into his warmth, wrapping my arms around him with my face against his chest. I sighed contently,"I thought we agreed no surprise hugs." I heard him grunt stubbornly,"I thought we also agreed we wouldn't run off without the other." I looked up at him, finding a year on his cheek. I reached up to wipe it away,"It broke my heart, but you had a dream." He glared down at me, more tears falling,"You did too, Touya! Why are you allowed to give it up, while I can't?!" I unwrapped my legs, standing on my knees so our faces were level,"I ran away to become a villain, Keigo! Its in my blood! Why can't you understand that?!" He furrowed his brows,"No, why can't /you/ understand that it didn't have to be that way?! You could've at least reached out to me!" He took my face in his hands as I answered,"I know! I was stupid, I get it! Just shut up about it, will you?!" He dropped my face, shocked,"Well I'm sorry that I was worried about my childhood best friend. Maybe I shouldn't have been." I stood, storming out the door. I walked down a hallway that lead to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I spotted a white door to outside. I made my way through the kitchen, to be stopped halfway by Erasure,"Oh, good morning Dabi'! Didn't expect to see you- Wait, where are you going?" He grabbed my arm to stop me. I yanked my arm away from his grasp as Keigo entered the kitchen,"Touya, wait! I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!" I turned and glared at him as he went to grab my hand,"Don't touch me!" Erasure froze, eyes wide. From the table, I heard Mic mutter,"Uh oh. Hawks, you should really learn to keep your mouth shut." I turned to shoot Mic an icy glare, but Hawks caught my head before making me turn to face him,"Hey. I'm sorry, okay? I know you didn't want to leave." I pushed him away,"I said don't touch me, Hawks!" He let go of me, stunned,"You never call me by my hero name." I turned, storming out the door. I muttered a few curses to his mother's grave as I began sprinting down a path.
After a while of running, I reached UA's gate. Walking through, I decided to go to the center of the Mamolia (Muh-Mow-Lee-Uh) woods. This was where I usually hung out when I wasn't on a mission or training with the league. It usually got too chaotic for my taste, so I found somewhere quiet. I turned behind the hardware store, and into an alley that lead to Mamolia. It looked scary from the outside, but if you step past the woodline, the sun shines and a rabbit or two could usually be seen prancing around. In the center of the wood, I sat against a birch tree holding my face in my hands. A tear fell down my face and onto the ground, soon joined by many others. I screamed, unable to believe what I'd said. Then anger surged through me again as I thought about what I'd done. I just got him back, and now I've run off again. I reached behind me into an old squirrel hole, and pulled out my MP3 player and headphones. Making sure there was still some battery left from the last time I'd charged it at the base, I clicked play on my playlist. Despite having gotten plenty of sleep the night before, I fought to keep my eyes open and my mind cleared. I soon noticed pink smoke slowly closing in on me. I immediately knew which hero it was, and held my breath. Running through the smoke, I exited the woods. I felt an attack forming as I sprinted away from the hero. My headphones still played music as they dangled around my neck. I turned a corner, before a loud gunshot echoed through the area. I froze, before falling to the ground. A whoosh of wind hit my face, and a figure ran towards me while yelling something I couldn't hear. My ears rang as tears gathered in my eyes. The fuzzy figure crouched in front of me, reaching towards me. I scooted back quickly, my backside against a brick wall. My breathing quickened, and my heart beat was in my throat. I threw my hands up to protect myself, screaming. I wasn't sure how I sounded or what I was saying, but it was keeping him away from me. My hearing came back slowly, and I choked on my sobs as I pulled my knees to my chest. Two more figures approached, one curvier than the others. They unblurred for a bit, before going fuzzy again. I stared up at them fearfully,"Stay-stay back!" One stepped closer, and I lit my hand. He stepped back, before my fire vanished. I stared at my scarred hand, trying to ignite it once more but failing. A darkly dressed man approached slowly, his hands seemed to be in the air. I shook my head feircly,"I-I won't go back! I won't go-" I was cut off by the shock of the pink gas' return. Too late to hold my breath, I fell unconscious.


© UwUturtle