

Height of Tolerance
Height of tolerance

Hve u heard any country in world, where majority of people r being tortured nd harass by minority
Just think ???
Yes one country is India, Hindustan
Where majority of kashmiri pandits r being tortured nd exploited by muslims nd coz of dat dey hve to leave dere Houses nd leave dere state kashmir
Just how unfortunate dese kashmiris ,coz of few minorities ,as dey were more powerful ,majority had lost dere place to live, dere livelihood,dere income, dere business.
But section 370 is removed ,so luckly kashmir is an part of india only.

Already we hindustanis had given pakistan to muslims in 1947
one partitation is already done

2nd partitation in name of khalistaan in punjab was going to happen in 1982 trugh sikhs, but luckly things were in control

India keeps on going with challenges nd its an high time, All hindus need to stand nd unite,To show d unity.
Muslims follow islaam
Christians follow christianity
Only hindu is following secularity
Secular term is applicable for hindus only.
So instead of showing secularity, it time to show Hindutatva.

In india ,india muslims r earning, enjoying all d benefits of minorities more den majorities, Still in amu slogans like hindus ki kabr khudegi, Hindus se azaadi, Finally dey had proved nd shown d trailor dat dey r in minority also dey can do any nonsense in name of protest, so its high time for hindus to wakeup nd b alert nd show ur hindutatva
Nd we need to put pressure on govt for poulation bill, if it happens like dis ,population of muslims will b increased nd hindus will b in minority.

Already 8 states hindus r in minority, here is d list of d states
1) punjab
2) Lakshdweep
3) Mizoram
4) Arrunachal pradesh
5) Nagaland
6) Meghlaya
7) jammu nd kashmir
8) manipur

nd will request to pm modi d nonmuslims refugees who had given citizenship shld b settled in dese 8 states, so dat hindus will not remain in minority

So if u think it shld b done nd worth ,plz forward dis msg to all hindus nd other groups.
Bharat mata ki jai
Jai shri Ram



© Geetika Gupta