

It was all WORTH it....
Right now I'm a student of class 10th and I'm giving my boards exam. To tell you all the truth I suck at every subject. I was always an average student and I personally think that if I give give my 100% then I would be above an average student. Being told all my life that I have to do perform well in my boards I think I messed up everything. Every single thing till now. I have only two exams left and I would now like to tell you all the truth...and it is that my exams didn't went well. None of them. They were all so-so. Never really cared. I thought I will cry all night, be in depression and whatever else. But it's the total opposite bitch. Idk why bitch? The first thing I learned when when I started preparing for my boards exam was that "boards marks doesn't define the knowledge you gained throughout the whole year". Let me tell you, it was a whole new experience...I mean till 9th grade everyone told me to focus on my studies and bla bla bla but...nobody did that in my 10 grade. I was like WTF? I never thought that it would be like this. I know my 10th results are not going to be so great as my parents expected from me but I have other plans in my life. I don't want to focus on getting good marks. What I want is to gain/receive knowledge. My results are going to haunt me till I prove them wrong. Ofc my relatives will be like "omg how much did she score?" "what is her percentage?" I don't really care much about these things. But I know I will hear many rude things from my family...but at the end when I will fulfill my dream and wear that white coat and stethoscope around my neck then I will say that "it was all worth it".
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