

A letter to the Old Me.
Dear old me,
I hope you are happy.You always were a happy little kid.But the new me is different.The new me is not excited about sour candies and plastic toys anymore.The new me won't come crashing to watch Pokemon after school.The new won't try out crafts from Rob's M.A.D on sundays,worse-there is no M.A.D in TV anymore.The new me won't pick up stones and wish to join the land of Dragon Tales.The new me isn't laughing like you everyday.She don't wait for Santa Claus on rooftops and tooth fairies under the pillow.Going to Disneyland isn't my ultimate dream anymore.
I have let you down in so many ways.I couldn't keep half the promises I made to you.I am not the happy-go -lucky child that you used to be.I have outgrown many things that were once my world.I had to let go of myriad things that meant a lot to me,to us.Life happened and suddenly you were torn apart from me.But I promise you with whatever left in me..I am gonna make you proud- not today,not tomorrow but someday and thats a pinky pinky promise!Years after on a transparent wall we are gonna stand face to face-the lil me and the then me and we are gonna share sour candies and I will tell you about how I did all the things the old you wanted me to do.
© scribblingsofateen