

More storys of Bella
Here is another story of me and Bella, like i was saying before i loved our nightly walks, we liked walking to the place called walking bridge, it was beautiful there. you can see a river there, its very peaceful i loved bringing a blanket and we would sit on it and i would play a game on my tablet and just relax and listen to the river.
she really loved laying on the blanket but with it being dark out she was always on gaurd and would watch my back, shes always been very alert listened to every noise and eyes always looking.
She always would make a low noise to alert me when she saw someone, cause at times i would daze off in the moment, i always knew when she did that there was someone walking by. Bella is so loyal, i cant seem to say that enough, one night while walking back there was abdolutly no 1 there when we started by the parking garage, all of a sudden Bella pulled me to the side i look and a man is walking and you could tell he was drunk cause he was swaying back and forth. i went into a freeze when he was trying to come towards me Bella was in the front of me and he was reaching his hands out trying to pet her well she would do circles and avoid it and what i didn't realize was she had managed to back me up off the sidewalk on the grass. i finally came back to relazation and he then said can i hug you and as he said that he reached his hands out and Bella did a hop and didn't bite it was more of a blocking teqniue that i never taught her.
im so lucky to have her..
more stories to come