

Cassies Dream PT 22
Cassies two weeks at home went by fast with all the stuff she had going out she another photo shoot and a couple meet and greet events a radio interview. So time went by fast. Before she knew it, it was time to leave for close to four weeks again this time hitting Kansas City, Omaha, Billings, Casper, Boulder, Denver, Salt Lake, Reno, Las Vegas, L.A. and then the Finals being in Santa Fe. Everything was loaded and ready to go with close to fifty people following them to watch her in KC including her grandma Ella who had never seen her ride but on television. Along the highway on the way to KC were big signs saying WE LOVE YOU CASSIE and TAKE IT ALL THE WAY CASSIE. "People are really being supportive." Ty says. "Yeah. I can't believe really." They reach Kansas City city limits there were bill boards says Kansas City welcomes you Cassie and Rocket. They get to the arena and there are signs every where one even said DANCE ROCKET DANCE. They get parked she goes to sign in and people stop her for pictures. She gets back to the trailer Ty has Rocket ready she gets changed and the announcer cuts in on the music playing We are happy to Cassie and Rocket here with us tonight and would like to ask if they would come out and dance with the crowd before we start tonight? Cassie kisses Ty gets on Rocket and rides into the middle of the arena when she gets there she sees about seventy five girls of all ages out in the arena. Cassie rides to the middle and they start the music and all the girls start to dance. So when it came time for Rocket to dance they were all dancing with him Cassie usually only makes him do it once but tonight she jumps down and stands next to him which he really does better like that and she dances next to him swinging back up in the saddle as he does his spin. She waves to the crowd and rides out.
She drew fifth place to ride when she rides out Ty swears it looks like Rocket just slides around the barrels when Cassie finishes the announcer says that's the way you do it boys and girls with a fifteen point three one. Cassies second run was another record breaking time with a fifteen point two six. Cassie rides her victory lap and people are throwing roses out in the arena. Cassie gets over to where family and friends were sitting and she take some of the roses and hands them over for her mom and grandma. Blowing them kisses and rides away. She takes Rocket and load up to head to Omaha the next night. Cassie wins at every place setting to more time records. They get to Las Vegas where the have an extra day. Ty calls home and has Steve find a place they can take Rocket were he will be safe. An old man and woman that knew Tus parents that live outside of the city about twenty minutes. They leave the trailer and Rocket and go spend the day in Vegas Cassie goes shopping and they go to the casino they have an amazing day together Ty looks at her and says "So you wanna get married today?" "Are you serious?" " Yes then we could just have wedding at home later to safe face." "Okay" let's do it." Ty finds one of the cheesy wedding chapels that Vegas is famous for and they go in and get married by a guy dressed like Elvis.
Cassie Doe more shopping and they go back to get Rocket and get ready to head to the arena. The older couple ask them to stay for dinner. They can hardly tell them no, so they eat dinner and the Hernys decide to go watch Cassie ride. Cassie wins in Vegas with a fifteen point seven seven. They head to LA where Cassie wins again with her points being a ninety eight point eight closest to her is a ninety four point three. They head to Santa He for the Finals Shelly flies in from New York to watch Cassie draws last place to ride where she wins with a fifteen point one two. The fastest time Rocket has ever had. Making Cassie the National Barrel Racing Champion. She is so excited. They leave New Mexico heading home and she gets a call asking if she with ride in the world finals that will be held in Canada in one month. She tells them she will call back and give them her answer. She is talking it over with Ty and she gets a call from her dad she puts him on the speaker. "Hi daddy did you watch?" "I sure did I have watched every one and you and old Rocket make one hell of a pair." They ask me to ride in the World Championship." "That's great baby hey I need to talk to you about some stuff and I want you to listen to me till I am done alright?" "Okay daddy." Cassie you and Jake are my most important and greatest gift I have been given and the time with your momma. When you get home your momma has some papers you need to sign. Pumpkin I have cancer and it is spread all over and there isn't anything that they can do." "what do you mean I have money Ty has money daddy is that what you need to fix it?" "No baby it can't be fixed." "Daddy don't say that please I need you to be okay to walk me down the aisle when Ty and I get married." "Cassie now listen to me there isn't anything they can do. Jake told me that Ty is a good man and he can take care of you. And your brother will take that walk with you." "NO! Daddy please." "Baby there is no please to this honey. I love you with my whole heart and you tell that young man he better treat you right and give you the best he can" Ty speaks up "Mr Martin I will take the very best care of her." "You do that son. Cassie I got to go I am tired. I love you baby girl." "I love you daddy." Cassie couldn't say good bye. when the call ended she laid her head on Tus leg and cried herself to sleep. Jake and Amanda both called Ty told them she didn't take the news very well. And he planned to drive as far as he could to get her home. He asked how long Richard had left and Amanda told him the doctors said a few days maybe a week. Ty ends the call and finds a place so he can get Rocket out. He pulls over and slides out of truck quietly so he don't wake Cassie he gets Rocket and walks him around for a little bit gets him a drink and loads him back up. Pulls over to the gas pumps fills the tanks gets some snacks and coffee and goes back to the truck. He slides in and they are on the road again. Cassie wakes up as they are going through Tulsa. "Where are we?" "Tusla" "Can we stop?" "Yes in two more miles" "Are you okay?" "Not really but what can I do?" "I don't know baby I would fix it if I could." Cassie smiles a little smile with tears still in her eyes "I know you would." Ty pulls over at the next rest area. Cassie gets out and goes to the restroom and she comes back in a hurry. "What's wrong?" "Some girls knew who I was and wanted pictures and all that shit I can't do it right now." Ty puts Rocket in the trailer and they head out "Home in two and a half hours." Cassie lays her head back on his leg.
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