

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Am taking for granted
Well who am I to choose

Clara wrote this words on her pad and closed it. She walked to the window and looked out of a beautiful castle " have everything I need, a kingdom, riches, people to bow down to me, and a good life but this two things just keep me away from my perfect life a perfect husband and a male child" she said and sobbed. "Clara" her husband called from the parlour. "what now" Clara said and walked angrily to him. "look I didn't marry you so you can come live in my house for free"
"so what do you mean " Clara said eyeing him
" so I need a child and... "
" heyyyy don't even go there " Clara cut in" I have had over 3 children but what happen to them, tell me " she said raising her voice at him" they're not alive cause you made me abort them since there all female "
," woman, don't you raise a voice at me, I don't care, I am giving you 2 weeks to get a male child or else you'll never be able to see daylights again "
" Haa are you mad, do I work in a baby factory"
"2 weeks Clara, 2 weeks "he said and walked away"
"idiot "Clara said and dropped on the floor. Servants came to her" what am I going to do now. "she said and cried out her eyeballs

Watch out for chapter 2