

hidden powers
Hidden powers

Chapter 14 – I’m Free

Big Nate Dawg was feeling Free like he’s never felt. He wanted to go out and get some drinks.
“Rose you coming out with me tonight, I’m going for drinks.” Nathen asked excitedly
“I’m game, where we starting at.” Rose asked with a smile.
Rose was a Very gorgeous women, she had beautiful Caramel skin that glowed and was soft to the touch. She always looked nice no matter what kind of bad day she had. She always smiles and that drove Nathen Crazy, that and her beautiful brown eyes. She was a sweetheart and Nathen Missed her a lot.
“How about the who ha shack?” Rose asked
“That’s perfect, do they still let people do acts or Rap on they stage?” Nathen asked in wonder.
“Of Course, they are having battles tonight underground battles.” Rose said.
“we can leave now and you can sign up to battle.” Rose said
“Okay, are they giving the winner free studio time when ever, I know they did ten years ago.” Nathen said
“Yeah they still do that, it could be money tonight I never know.” She said

“Lets do it.” Nathen said amped up..
© WesleyMcvay