

Friends Like Mine
So, am a person who never smokes or never intends to smoke or drink, not that it's taboo or bad to do so, but you know whenever I think to start smoking that advertisement on smoking pops up in my brain. But yeah my friends do smoke and drink, I do join them at times. But yeah I end up being the weird guy who sits with a cold drink in the corner of a Lounge and drinks it. My friends do laugh about it but yeah me being sober helps them to reach home on time. I still think about how the hell their parents don't know they do all this stuff.

So it was Christmas, and usually, on this day our school used to have a "Christmas Fair" like any other school. And it was fun to be on rides and cute to see girls around our school cause, unfortunately, my school was a boys school. Guys were showing girls their classrooms and benches like those girls never to went a school before. Anyway, between all this fun and cuteness my friend asked "Should we go to a Lounge?" and that time I had no idea what is a Lounge, like when he said the word "Lounge" I thought maybe he is referring to someplace where people lose their virginity, actually it did sound somewhat like that, I don't why I thought of that place when he said it, just don't judge me.

So everyone agreed and I was still puzzled about what is a Lounge? and whispered to one of my friends and asked about it and he said it's just a place to drink and smoke and I was like oh that! and Thanked God it's nothing near to what I imagined. So one of my friends was an ex cricket captain of the school team, I used this reference because he was the only one who didn't get drunk enough to do weird stuff like the others. His capacity was much more than the others in drinking, and I saw it as an achievement though.

Even after rejecting the offer to come, they dragged to the so-called Lounge; at first, I wasn't even pronouncing it right which made it sound like it was a bad thing. So after reaching there I noticed that this place was just not an all-boys place but even girls were having their own sweet time. And I was like I didn't think equality has escalated so much here. And they started drinking and doing their stuff and I sat in the corner of the sofa and drank my cold drink. Sometime later I noticed that one of us started crying and it sounded so funny that rather than consoling him, I burst out laughing. When did I realize he was my bench mate and asked him what happened? He replied "Police have raids in these kinds of places and when they catch children having these kinds of things they call their parents and the meantime they make them do all fun things like sit-ups and some may even record it, and you know how my parents are if my mum comes to know about this she will kill the hell out of me and if my mum come to know she will kill the hell out of me and my dad will take my phone, school, life..... and he went on blabbering and I was like I didn't sign up for this, Christmas Fair was way better than this.

After an hour or so, we started leaving and the biggest problem was to drop them home, half of them were having headache cause of smoking too much, and half of them were blabbering shit. Fortunately, the school was near and I just dropped them at school and called each one of their parents, cause I didn't want to be one explaining the stuff they were doing, but yeah since then I have to drop them a couple of time. By the way, does anyone know who the hell dropped them after the Farewell Party? Cause I left it way before and I haven't heard of them since then, and also lockdown started after that. Cause if no one did drop them then they are pretty much locked in that Lounge the whole lockdown.....would they?.....na someone would have......would have someone?