

Journey/Andy? pt 2
The next day Thursday the 14th I woke up at about 12pm in the afternoon, because I was up all night thinking. I decided to take my chances and go on this unknown Journey into the Forest to find this cave that the instructions spoke of.

I gathered my travel bag and made sure I had plenty of water and some snacks to hold me over on my journey. I grabbed the key and out it in a nice small box so that it wouldn't get lost.

I was finally ready to relax and think about my journey, but I needed to go ahead and start heading towards the wooded area to find the cave. I knew that it would be a long hike from my home into the unknown.

I waited until the sun went down a little and started my journey towards the woods/forest area. Many people called it the woods while others called it the Forest. I actually like to call it the woods because Forest is a little more different for me in terms of tree life, and creatures. Yes, I would talk to myself due to the fact that I am always thinking and a little bored.

I didn't want to disobey one of the instructions, so I made it halfway to my destination and camped out. I didn't go searching for the cave just yet, because I needed to wait until the 15th, so I found myself a nice little cabin and got a room. I met a guy there named Andy that was headed to the wooded area for something, but he didn't say. I basically thought he was on the same hunt I was, but had to keep quiet about it.

We both sat and talked for a little bit and then I decided to get ready for bed. We both said our hoid nights and went into our separate rooms. I was unaware of the things that I was really getting into at the time.

The next morning I walked out of the Cabin to see Andy was gone and that I had a note sitting on the table next to my bag. I opened it and it read

" I had a great time talking with you and I am sorry that I had to leave suddenly, but I hope one day I will see you again soon. "


I folded the note out it in my bag and started to head deeper into the woods to try and locate the cave. I was walking at a normal speed when I started to see certain things that were not supposed to be in the area. I would walk and see blood in tree branches and trunks, but it didn't look like animal blood. I would see trails of blood like someone was dragged a few miles or yards from where they last stood. These things were not normal but I just kept on going.

I finally made it to the cave which sat in the middle of the woods by a large river that no one would dare go into or by, because there have been rumored suicides and many other strange horror stories. I finally got the whole journey thing and now I was actually scared for my life. I was the only one standing in front of the place that would eventually cause my death and no one knew I was there.

I heard a sound coming from behind me so I turned around as fast as I could and ti my surprise I saw Andy. I shocked to see him but he wasn't so surprised to see me. I mean it was like he knew I was coming because he even had a soft smerk in his face. I just looked at him with and awkward look and shook my head. He out down his bag and started to explain to me what was really going on.

I can tell you one thing... I was not liking nothing that he had to say. On too of everything else I felt used and very betrayed.

© Lakeyia Lugo