

Life is too short
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing.
Even though today's date is April 2021. I have got to get ready. Have lots to do today. Helping my Granddaughter pick out her wedding dress. such excitement is inside me right now. That Calendar dated 1989 takes me back to my memories on that date. I dont have time to go back in time at this moment. .but my mind keeps slipping back to that date to recall what I was doing. Coming into this room on this date was meant to be. It was a dark period in my life. I was living with mentally abusive husband and I would not leave him for 20 years. But on that date I lived in California and my Mom lived in Missouri. I called her on that date after a mental abusive situation with my husband. I wanted to come back home to Missouri but my husband talked me out of it. What would my life have turned out like if I had left on that date. I am in Missouri right now. I left my husband after 20 plus years. it was alot of good times and some bad. I guess that goes with everything in life. But it was meant for me to be in that room on this date. There are so many many more good times ahead of me. I will not dwell on the past but will look forward to my future and my family's future. I live every day to its fullest extent that I can to make a impact on someone's life that has come in contact with me. I cherish each day as it is my last day because tomorrow may never come. Dont forget to tell someone how much they mean to you as you may not get another chance too. I have lost so many loved ones family and friends in just a few years that I do not take anyone or anything for granted. Life is too short. Even though I have lived many years and plan to live many more as I have alot left to accomplish before I leave this world.