

Wolves of the ocean
The following entry was found in a journal, inside a home in California by police after neighbors called 911 to report screaming and possible gunshots. When they arrived they found the home ransacked, and blood in the master bedroom on the floor, desk where the journal was found and on the window. With a light trail leading to the ocean, where it disappeared into the sea. Due to the disterbing nature of the entry I stole it from evidence, the entry is transcribed below.

It's been 2 years since I walked away from Sea search in the purchase I work on my entire career, while the NDA I signed bars me from sharing yeah the specific details of the project I can no longer in good conscience keep what we did a secret. When I first came to work at Sea search, I was special on the college with Masters in marine biology along with an undergraduate degree in genetics. I hadn't even submitted an application to Sea search as I had never heard of such a company. the day of graduation after the ceremony I went out for dinner with my family then proceeded to attend my grand party my best friend Connor was throwing at our favorite bar. Well at the party I had the unrelenting feeling of being watched, I just couldn't seem to shake it Connor noticed this and asked if I was all right. I told him yeah and made up some excuse about the beer giving heartburn, I then quickly excuse myself making my way outside to get some fresh air. On the roof of the bar the cool night breeze against my back, my legs swung lazily over the edge I lit a cigarette, reflecting on today and how proud my dad would have been of me. Sinking deeper into my thoughts I never heard the man walking up behind me, the sudden invasion of his voice saying "those will kill you you know?" caused me to jump nearly causing me to fall off the roof when I felt strong hands call me back onto the edge, quickly spinning around to see who had interrupted my thoughts. I was met with a tall olive skin man his eyes is blue and piercing as the ocean waves with dark brown hair. I stuttered out "who who are you what do you want I don't have any money" would you like chocolate in the shake of his head he said " I'm not here to mug you, my name is Uriel head researcher at sea search. we've been following your progress to have very impressed I'm going to offer you a position as my assistant had researcher/ geneticist. I believe you'll find the position along with all of the benefits we offer before more than any other company could even dream of offering you." He didn't handed me an envelope gesturing for me to open it. Cautiously I open the envelope and began to read it I won't post the specifics of the letter on here suffice to say the salary I asked if it was a misprint. Besides the three figure salary they also offered to purchase my home pay all moving expense, and fund any research I wanted to do for a year after completion of the primary research I was being hired for. With my mouth I gave I looked up at Uriel to ask if this was for real, only to find him walking away back towards the bar entrance "hey wait" I shouted frantically. Stopping he turned to look over his shoulder at me "you have 24 hours to make a decision" without hesitation I said "I don't need 24 hours I'm in" Uriel smiled in the most beautiful malevolent way I've ever seen and said "let's go, we leaving 1 hour don't worry about your things everything you need will be replaced and waiting for you in your new home when we arrive, also your dogs Bear and Anubis will also be at your new home." With that I followed Uriel into the night little did I know then that this is that decision would haunt me for the rest of my life. After a long plane ride on a private jet which is the only thing that made it slightly bearable, we got into a private car and drove another 4 hours tell us about asleep because I woke up to Uriel telling me "we're here" wiping asleep for my eyes I sat up in the seat to see a giant research vessel unlike anything I'd ever seen before or since. I won't agree with details of when you accrue the captain and what my home looked like and how my dogs did adjusting to the move because of space if that's not what you're here for you're going to find out why I'm telling everyone but the ocean is no longer safe when you're I thinking what makes it so unsafe we know about sharks we know about the white clear jellyfish of death, well let me put your mind at ease it is neither of those things but I'm going to tell you about this so much worse so much more deadly if you're wondering how I know this it's because I created it no not it as if there's just one I created them. I soon realized that Sea search is not here to save the coral reef, study the effects of oil spills on ocean life, Sea search the shell company belonging to a sector do you don't even know exists, created, financed, and owned by the United States to make aquatic weapons that works more efficiently were deadlier and Outlast anything any other country could fathom building nevertheless creating. Once I settled in I was then back on the ship and that's where I received my orders from the director of the entire Sea search program. I was chosen because I had an undergraduate in genetics, combine that with my marine biology degree I was everything that they were looking for in one package. My sole purpose was to combine great white shark DNA and orca DNA to create a hybrid of the two, after that was successfully I was then to figure out a way to splice human DNA into that DNA and create injection that would allow the specimen and the human to create a neurological bond. For this I reference twins trying to simulate that kind of mental connection. A year and a half into the project I had my first successful great white and orca hybrid that survived past the incubation stage going on to grow into a baby, I named him Fenrir, he was my wolf of the sea I use my DNA or splicing and created the injection so the neurological Bond would be with me and me alone. Once the injection was complete we went straight to human testing I mean it's not like we could use rats or anything. I brought in the director to see what I created, finger was easily 30 ft long and still a pup he had the head the head of a great white the friends of an orca for speed and his and his body was a was a perfect combination of both of his parents. His color was unlike anything I have ever seen before, I have the ability to go lighter or darker depending on his depth and surroundings making him nearly invisible, only his bright blue eyes betrayed his location I designed him that way have to have have to have no need for need for a GPS device not that not that we would require one providing the neurological bond was successful and didn't kill us both. The director of marveled at him saying he was an amazing thing he'd ever seen. He didn't ask if the injection was ready.I nodded my head and explained to him that the injection must be given the exact same time even a millisecond off and it would fail, either killing me and Fenrir or making us both mentally retarded for the rest of our lives. Walking over to the computer and setting the parameters for the injection, I then took my place in the chair that was right next to Fenrir's tank. The lab assistants took their seats and the procedure began. Fenrir and I held each other's gaze for the entire procedure. Simultaneously our eyes went wide Fenrir slightly thrashed around in his tank, my body mirroring his movements. The injection felt like acid going into my body then the feeling of razor blades are scraping every rain and artery from the inside trying to scratch their way out. And as soon as the pain had begun it was over. The effect of the injection was instantaneous suddenly I could hear Fenrir's thoughts, feel his emotions he was quick was quick to let me know the same thing was happening to him. What I had done had created abilities far beyond what anyone expected. But with these abilities hold up in the ocean miles away from each other? That was phase 2 and the director let me know that we were to begin immediately. We soon discovered that fenrir and I could communicate over 1200 miles away from each other. After two years of research and tests, the director received the funding to continue the project initially twenty men we selected to receive the injection. Each specimen I created was specifically designed for it's human counterpart. The growth of each specimen took just four months after confirming they reached our health requirements the men met their animals. I advised those whom would receive the injection that it would be without question the most painful thing they would experience, but it would be worth it, I along with my lab techs began the procedure. When the screams finally died down, we moved everyone into the testing/ exam sector and before I knew it another four years had gone by. Our fleet was nearly sixty strong I was on top of the world, but as they say what goes up must come down. Power, and the desire to have it, is more addicting and deadly then any drug. Atticus was in the top three of his group. He learned quickly and his drive to become the best drove focus the likes of which I'd never seen. Atticus unfortunately couldn't handle the fact that he'd maxed out his capabilities and he couldn't move up in rank past what he had reached. His insatiable desire for power, drove some in his group to express concern about his radical ideas about how the teams should be used, whom should be targets and terminated, along with his leadership style. It was decided that his neurolink be terminated as well as all his followers, before that action could be taken Atticus and his followers fled into the night. Now they are coming for the rest of us. So I'm leaving Fenrir and I can stop them we have to stop them. Fenrir is waiting for me in just off the dock, this is my story/ confession but I will fix this I swear, Something is outside my window.. the glass just shattered downstairs, I'm out of time I can hear them coming down the hall towards the stairs, whatever you do stay out of the ocean! They lurk in the shadows and they will show you no mercy. Fuck I've gotta go.... I'm sorry everyone I'm so.....