

The classroom
She was always quiet. Ever since she got admitted into this school, silent. But she was also smart. One of the smartest girls in the class. She was a year ahead than others her age, and so she became the youngest, smallest child among us. She never really had friends either, and roamed around alone in break times. I never really thought of her at that point, knowing that she wouldnt talk to me. But now I wish I had.
In fourth grade we had a play on Rapunzel. She was almost made a tree, if it wasn't for her previous teacher who gave her a part for narrator, at least. She ended up with a leading role.
She also found friends. Two other girls took her in and she became very talkative with them. She clung to them. And I'd see them walking without her whenever they got the chance. I thought of her that year because one of my friends had to sit with her all year.
Fifth grade came, and suddenly everyone had a crush. She was never the prettiest girl, so I'd see her shying away from these conversations. She also sat with me on first day. She got chubby, and started missing a lot of school. But her first moment came. She had to sit next to the same boy from last year, and she was over it. She got up, and gave a heated monologue on why she couldn't sit there anymore. It worked. Later, we found out she had silently struggled through a surgery that year.
Sixth grade was when her friend group merged with another. She got along well with the others, but the others grew closer and had secrets no one told her. My best friend started talking to her, and we discovered that she was pretty cool. On the last day of the year, she spoke to me.
Seventh grade was her year. She cut her long black hair into short locks scraping her ears, ditched the glasses and dawned a smile. She completely changed and began talking to everyone. And everyone just needed an excuse to talk to her. Her popularity among the class and her friends sky rocketed. My best friend also got much closer to her, and told me about one day. She sat with him, and couldn't stop laughing, no matter what it was at. And she made him laugh too. During March, another one of my friends fell ill and she filled his spot. She sat almost right next to me and we talked everyday. She became my partner in crime and helper through the year. I was also an above average student, and I remember the day we both got highest marks in science. She looked at me and we talked again. She seemed to really enjoy.
Eighth grade, and our relationship faltered. It had been months since we saw each other and we each had our friends. But I'd occasionally pass her a smile or a glance and it lit up her day. She's comfortable around this class, and we're comfortable around her. She stood up to her enemies and became closer to her friends. And now, whenever she doesn't have the strength to stand up for herself, we do it for her. Nowadays its hard to find her not laughing.
Such a contrast from the girl who'd cry in the corners in first grade.
She was finally herself.