

Other Profile
Hey everyone! I know this is the posts where stories go but I wanted to fill ya in on the fact that I have written on writco for awhile now, although I don't seem to have much content on this profile page... I have another profile that I was previously using. But some things happened and I was locked out of my account because I lost my password during the 2 or 3 months that I was unable to write. I used that account for about 5 or 6 months so it has much more of my stuff on it than what I have posted here on this profile. That account is under the name Amanda Humphrey and my username for it is : SaneJane22Apollo
...I have many other poems, stories, and quotes featured on that profile account. Please, take the time to check them out and tell me what you think about my collection of writings. Below is the url to find it or just go to explore on the writco home page and look under people, type in my name Amanda Humphrey or sanejane22apollo and you should be able to easily find it.


Thanks for your time everyone, and please continue reading my stuff. Hope you all enjoy!

© Manda.Humphrey