

When the game became reality part 4
"But how, how can he still be alive we saw him, he was dead." Said Joey. "I, I know, but I also know what I saw." "Ah my back." Said Joey. "Turn around dude." Said Chuck. Joey turned around and Chuck saw the problem. "Oh god, dude there's a shard of glass sticking out of your back." Chuck said. Joey slowly reached behind his back. Joey grabbed the shard of glass and pulled as he let out a painful scream. Joey yanked the glass out of his back and dropped it on the ground. Joey fell to his knees. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" He yelled. Chuck checked him self and then said "I'm good." "Yeah well, good for you." Replied Joey. "C'mon let's get you to the emergency room." Chuck helped Joey up and they walked back to the house.

When they got there Chuck's mom was in the house cooking dinner. Without turning around she said, "what were you boys doing, y'all were down there for quite a long time." "Mom." Said Chuck. She turned around and saw the two boy standing there, dirt all over there faces and clothes, there clothes all cut up, blood leaked from Joey's back. "Oh my we got to get you to the hospital."

"Ok I just got off the phone with Joey's mom shes on her way." Said Chuck's mother Joey sat in the waiting room staring at the floor. His mom sat down beside him, "so you wanna tell me what happened or will I have to ask Joey, you know he'll tell me." She said. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth." He replied, still looking at the floor. "Honey just tell me." "I, I saw Carl he was still alive." He managed to say. "What, where did you see him." She said almost to loud. "Wait you believe me." He said "Of course I do, you'd never lie to me, also I've seen way to many movies where the parents don't believe the kid and bad things happen." She said with a laugh. Chuck looked up at his mom and smiled back. Just at that moment a siren in the hospital went off and an intercom came on and said, "alert alert please evacuate the hospital immediately." "Mom what's happening." Yelled Chuck over the intercom. "I don't know." Then Chuck heard screams coming from the hallway. He looked down it but I hade became dark, all the power hade been shut off. "I'm coming for you Chuck I'm coming."