

Letter to my true love
It's hard to articulate in words how my life has been with you in it. I never thought I'd be in love,I mean look at the world so much hate, marriage and relationships around me crumbling at the slightest glitch,and you came along and somehow this wall I had the built so strong for so long came crumbling down,loving without walls that's the greatest freedom you've given me.How do people get to the point of hurting does that they claim to love,maybe that's what it is just a claim; because with you,love has no boundaries,no breath or height,loving you is the purest thing I've felt.On this day,I promise you with God on my side that I will make a constant decision to love you,protect us, multiply our wealth,I promise to wipe your tears,laugh with you,apologize for my wrong,I promise never to take your love for granted,never to dim the spark in your eyes and most importantly,I promise to remain your best friend in it's rawest and truest form.
It's my greatest blessing,being in love with a real man,a man not afraid to express love,a man who's shoulder is broad enough for his own family,for me and others,a man who works so hard to provide for me and us all;my dream man I only watched your type in hopeless romantic movies, maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic that got served. you groomed me into a better lady,you taught me how to love,how to give,and how to live,you inspire me and with you by my side,see? I'm flying.I remember saying"I do" with so much panic and excitement in my heart wondering if you would even make it past the first year.We had our moments;with you,I laugh from the heart,I want to watch movies with no one else,I love the way you look at me, I love the way you protect me,protect us,I look at myself through your eyes and I can't recognise me,you are my soulmate.Babe,I don't know what the future holds but one thing I do know is that I'm going to fight,I will fight for you,fight for us,fight for what we've built and I hope you will too. I can't wait to bore our kids and grandkids with our love and adventure stories.You are a masterpiece crafted for me and I intend to Cherish it for the rest of my life.
This is us;young,clueless,imperfect and in love we are in this together,we are gonna to fight,we are gonna to win.
© derah💜