

story of a prostitute ...
"Prostitution" is a profession hated by even the poorest of the rich in this world.
But it is very difficult for a woman to do that profession .... there are many tears ...
This is the story behind those tears ....
If a person who has bought all the rights to his shit in the middle of the night for that night, a beast is raging on him ....
Hiding the pain in his eyes ....
Remembering a past injury ...

A sixteen-year-old kid, very intimate with everyone.
The mother enjoys the love of fathers and is always fun with her friends
Staying and cultivating goodness in everyone.
His father turned his hope into his ambition to maintain his father's faith that his daughter would become a collector and meet his hardships.
New acquaintances were formed as soon as the Intermediate first year arrived.
Surya, a boy who reads better than himself in the classroom, always had a competition in his studies.
The competition became a bit of an introduction and the acquaintance became a friendship.
It did not take long for that friendship between the two to turn into love.
But the boy sees himself only as an opportunity.
But such a day has come ..
He thought everything was his right between the four walls ...
The trembling body did not want to be his for four minutes ...
User whenever possible ..
But one day the girl found out about the affair in their house.
If the boy goes to their house he will not even know who he is ....
He said that he had nothing to do with her.
It was too late for him to realize that he had been deceived by this ...
Her mother's fathers hated her.
When she went to the police station to report the injustice done to her, the SI there also said, "How did we sleep next to someone ...
Now lie down with me...
Will you do justice, said the vile. It came out in tears that I could not find justice anywhere else if a person in a responsible position spoke like this. He finds love and comfort at home disappearing..‌ Even his friends who should have given him courage in college used to make fun of him with direct words like "Will you come in an hour" and even his friends would see him as an epidemic victim. Yet these insults made her decide to leave the town. Unexpectedly, she left home and went to city without their knowledge.....
(to be continued......)
© Dinesh muddada