

Unforgettable Love pt. 2
Maanvi Roy. She didn't changed her
surname too. This irritates her mother in law. Because she thinks women becomes husband's property after marriage. But it's not. Like if Naitik could've changed his surname too.
Her mother in law curse herself for
choosing Maanvi as her son's bride.
Maanvi's family was out dated. Her family was richest zamindars in India. And she's the one who studied that much. She studied Physics & now after years of her marriage, she applied at a high profile colleges in Delhi-DTU as a leading professor. The email came last week of her approval and since that both husband and wife were convincing everybody for it.

By the time she was at her room. And she was irritated. Why can't she take her own decision? WHY? Parents asked her to marry Naitik. And she did. They said he's a nice guy. And she believed it. It's been four years of her marriage and not a single day, she feeled that Naitik is her husband. She never felt love for him. Neither Naitik tried
a step for it. Like they are very much clean in themselves. Nothing had happened between them.
And with these conditions her so-called mother in law wants a grandchild. Now who on earth will explain her that GRANDCHILD never get on market?
She went for washroom . While she was back, the room was damned clean. The fresh flowers on the table, the lavender air freshener & her favorite song on the TV make her feel relax.
And she know Naitik did it.
Naitik was already in bed, acting as if he didn't done anything. She went to the other side of bed. In between them there
was a pillow. Yes a pillow. Obviously they are husband and wife . Obviously they are married. But they're not in love. FOUR YEARS of marriage, but no love no child.
They never asked if they want yo be
married or not. They were never asked if they should marry or not. Both of their families were religious & asking one about their marriage wish an omen. A BAD OMEN.
So, according to their parents wish they got married. They never met privately neither they wanted so. They could only see themselves in few ceremonies.

Naitik, a successful businessman never asked Maanvi to intimate with him. He did a business management course in London. And there he met LISA . A tall and very fair girl. Her blue eyes and super pink lips made Naitik fall for her. Literally, he started loving her but he knows her mom, she will never allow him to get married to a different community. So, he moved on...

After that not a single girl can get Naitik's attention. The only female creature he talks to is Maanvi. They aren't close as they should be but they understand each other.

Naitik— Why your mood is off ?
Maanvi— THANKS.
Naitik— For what ?
Maanvi— For convincing mom !
Naitik— Thanks to you.
Maanvi— For what ?
Naitik— For believing me that I would convince mom.
Maanvi— It's all okay, Naitik. You do a lot for me.
Naitik— Really? Is it too much ?
Maanvi— At least you understand me !
Naitik— It's quite hard to understand you?
Maanvi— Really?
Naitik— You are simple yet complicated.
Maanvi got back to her book she bought today. 'CONTROL US' by J M WALKER. It's quite thick but she will complete it soon.
Naitik— Maanvi. I am sorry.
Maanvi— Why Naitik?
Naitik — I said yes to mom about the family thing.
Maanvi's face dropped. Her heart was thrashed.
Maanvi— It's okay.
She slept..
To be continued.

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