

The Last Sang II
I sat patiently waiting as my father prepped my arm before sliding a needle into my vein. The blood was dark, almost black and it spit twice into the tube before opening up for a steady flow.
"What do you do with the blood to make it a cure?" I asked my father trying to hide my nerves.
That creature was secured on a table barely 5 feet away from me. He had sedated the thing but I still had that underlying fear that it may wake up.
"Your blood is already the cure." He answered pulling the needle from my arm the prick healed instantly.
"What do you mean my blood is the cure, how do you plan on using it?" I asked as I began to get an uneasy feeling in the pit if my gut.
"If I'm correct your blood has the same unique element your birth mother had. I have a theory it could potentially attack and kill the virus inside the body. All I have to do is inject the infected with your blood and it should take action immediately." He explained as he approached the creature with the needle of my blood.
"My blood has an element?" I asked feeling very uncomfortable.
"If we are lucky." he answered preparing to inject the infected patient.
He positioned the needle preparing to transfuse the blood when the creature started to move. It started with a flick of the fingers and I squinted thinking I was seeing things but by then it was far too late.
"Dad, look out!" I yelled as the creature broke free of its restraints and let out a high pitched screech.
The creature grabbed my father by the top of his head and threw him with a supernatural force against the wall. I heard his bones crack as his body hit the stainless steel wall putting a big dent in it before dropping the needle. My father quickly fell unconscious and the creature quickly turned its attention to me with an inhuman growl.
Blood oozed out of its open meat like a thick gravy on its head and crawled down its face in slow thick streams. My skin crawled at the sight of this skinless thing that looked part man part monster.
I locked eyes with the creature and quickly dashed to my father grabbing the needle. The creature was quick though and grabbed my leg knocking the needle out of my hand, as it shattered into chunks of glass and blood on the floor.
I kicked and fought as the creature pulled at my leg ripping my skin with its long sharp claws. The wounds from this creature to my surprise did not heal instantaneously making me fight all the harder to get free. The creature snapped its jaws and clawed at me relentlessly. I pulled back my free leg and with all my force I stabbed the toe of my shoe through its eye socket.
The creature screamed ripping its head back as its dead blood oozed out of the hole I just put in its face. As the creature was briefly sustained I grabbed a big bloody chunk of glass and stabbed it hard into the creatures neck as thick disgustung blood squirted out of the artery. It screamed pulling the glass out of its neck as the wound healed instantly.
The creature slowly made its way in my direction it's face slowly healing all the way and my heart raced wildly in my chest. I backed up as far as I could until I hit a cold metal wall. I pinched my eyes closed feeling the creatures hot breath on my face. I could feel deep in my core that this was the end.
Then out of nowhere the creature backed up and fell to the ground as it started to have convulsions. I opened my eyes and slowly backed away from the creature as it twitched on the ground with foam coming from its mouth. I knew I should run as far and fast as I could but something held me in place I felt I needed to stay.
The creature came to a stop and I waited a few minutes before I was sure it was dead. I slowly and cautiously approached the still beast. As I gazed upon the creatures face I was truly astounded, the face of a man had began to form. I took a step back as skin began to form on the creature revealing its true form.
The creature was cured of the virus and I was completely speechless. I couldn't believe it had worked as I looked on the naked man that now took the monsters place before me. The man began to move and I never felt more and less safe all at the same time. Where would we go from here? I was so overwhelmed the room began to spin and I quickly lost all breath. My head began to feel extremely light and before I knew it the room went dark.