

Broken Mirror
In a city located in the north of the south, where shadows blended with light, there was an old mirror in a forgotten square. It was not an ordinary mirror; its surface was cracked, reflecting fragments of distorted realities, as if time had decided to play the sculptor of illusions. Those who dared to gaze into it saw their image, and also the echo of a world twisting between the absurd and the heartbreaking.

One day, a man named Elias, tired of the gray routine of life, decided to visit the square in search of answers. He had heard rumors about the mirror, a mysterious object that promised to reveal hidden truths. Upon arriving, he stood before its cracked surface, and the mirror began whispering forgotten secrets to him.

When he looked at himself, Elias saw only his tired face and a landscape of souls trapped in the inertia of existence. Each crack in the mirror represented a story, a wasted life, and in the reflection, the eyes of the city seemed to gaze at him, begging to be seen.

The echo of distant, muffled laughter called out to him, and, moved by an unknown impulse, he entered the world of reflections. Inside, shadowy figures began to come to life: a woman silently weeping, her hands stained with ink and fear; a child laughing, despite his home having been reduced to rubble; an old man, burdened by the weight of a story that never freed him.

“Why are they here?” Elias asked.

A faceless figure turned toward him, its eyes an abyss of wisdom and sorrow.

“We are trapped in the illusion of progress. They taught us to look upward, to follow the light they promised us. But that light is a mirage; we have become shadows of what we could have been.”

Elias felt a chill run down his spine; the air was heavy and suffocating. The figure continued, in a tone that both caressed and tore at him at the same time.

“Society has taught us to be consumers, not creators. We have become cogs in a machine that feels nothing, that sees nothing. And as we continue down this path, the world crumbles, and we with it.”

The revelation hit him like a bolt of lightning. Ambition, the desire to belong, the fear of loneliness: all those chains that held him captive were also binding the others. He felt the connection with the figures around him, a thread of shared humanity that defied the divisions society had created.

“How do we escape?” he asked.

The figure approached, and for a moment, Elias could see its face: it was a reflection of his own suffering, but also of his potential.

“The truth is within us, in our capacity to love and to create. We must break the cycle, begin to look beyond the shine of the surface, into the heart of who we truly are. Transformation begins with the acceptance of our own darkness.”

With those words resonating in his mind, Elias felt a glimmer of hope. He understood that he could not change the world overnight, but he could change his own perspective. The mirror was not just an object; it was a portal to the truth, a space where the realities of all who passed through life met, including his and the others’.

With a renewed sense of purpose, he decided to leave the mirror, leaving behind the darkness that had consumed him. As he returned to the square, he felt the cool breeze brush his face, and for a moment, the world seemed to vibrate with new life.

Not everything was resolved, nor had all of society’s problems disappeared, but there was a spark of truth in his heart. Life wasn’t just about chasing empty dreams, but about recognizing the beauty and pain in every human being, and in that connection, finding the path to freedom.

Thus, Elias began to see the world not as a broken mirror, but as a blank page, where each could write their own story, transforming darkness into light and silence into voice.
© Luis Mujica