

"is an act or process of having faith,trust,or cofidence in"

It is very easy for us to believe on something, it could be a trait, culture, tradition, norms, trends,person, and etc. But thinking everything that we believe in life requires a question of "Do we assess what we believe in? or we just believed because other rationalize it for us?
We have our strong faith because we believe. We trust deeply because we believe. And our confidence requires believing.
We shouldn't settle with this one:
"It really doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you sincerely believe it"
What if, what you believe in life isn't right? Sometimes in this world, we are trap with two options only- believing in good but aint beautiful or beautiful but aint good and we have to choose. And we are encourage to believe in what is good and true and not just to the beautiful things. Because in the end what you believe always matter and it will define who you are.
So before believing, try to assess first everything than to fight for what you believe in that isn't right. You will just regret a lot of things later. Instead, be a wise believer that assess before believing and be a humble believer that accepts correction for having improper beliefs.