

My life

David was Sarah's son and he loved his mother like a gold. David arrived at his home after coming from a school and you could see that something was bothering him, he found his uncle and aunt in his mother's room, they were lonely and his aunt held tears and wanted to cry. "Aunt, what is wrong?" David asked. "Son please sit down," Botha said. "There must be something worng here, why is aunt crying?" Asked David. "Your mother got involved in a car accident and she couldn't make it," Patricia said, her aunt. David couldn't know what to do, he was frustrated. "I can't be," said David, and thought he was dreaming. His uncle tried to comfort him. "Look nephew, you are still has us. We will love you," Botha said. David couldn't know what to do, she felt like the world was abandoning him.
"Uncle, he promised me to take me to shopping," said David. David cried so loud and his aunt comforted him and sat next to him. "David, just know we are here," said Patricia. David couldn't listen to everyone and he went out.

After few weeks, Patricia used to abuse David and she couldn't know that David was going to be a businessman. David arrived after school and he went straight to the fridge, he was tired and hungry like a dog chasing a bone. "Aunt, I don't see anything to eat here," said David and sat down. "You need to wash the dishes, you can't eat and do as you pleased," said Patricia. David felt so annoyed and wanted to cry. "But you can't do this to me, this is unfair," said David. "I told you to work, I have had enough of you," shouted Patricia. David couldn't answer her, he went outside fragging his feet, he sat on the veranda and tears fell. "I don't know why my aunt is doing this to me." After saying those words David cried. Patricia was watching a TV and had a coldrink, she went out to repremand David. "Hey! You are making noise. What would people say?" Shouted Patricia. "I miss my mother's love, I don't know who you are," David sobbed. "Get inside the house and I need you to watch those dishes," said Patricia. David couldn't listen to his aunt and he left her.

Patricia became sick after a decade and David became successful by being a businessman.

© Author Brian Makara