

The fault in our stars
Lately I've come to the sad realization that there is that element of nepotism even in prayer.

Those we vibe with the least tend to be last on the list:

Run through the devotions, sweet sounding nothings, minced words -
High flaunt nonsense and when we run out of words to say we mumble rap it in tongues.

If these confused petitions were to rise, then there surely would be chaos in heaven, because what we mean is not what we really say and what we say hardly even makes sense too and suppose it does, it's all a witty compilation of carefully picked lies.

We pretend to love our neighbor and yet continually serve half baked treats.
We hardly extend love and kindness to our neighbor, not often do we genuinely check up on them - we hardly even know them!
That's why it's so hard to find words for them when we bow down to pray.

© Tadiwanashe Chikundi, 2021