

PT 3
The event that most recently had my entire family reevaluate life is a car accident. In the car were my grandmother, me, and my uncle, and I was in the death seat. Marvellously, we all survived.
And because people aren't irreplaceable, I didn't have many complaints.
The irresponsible driver had insurance.
You would think that meant we would get some type of compensation, considering our car was totaled. However I have yet to hear about any type of monetary coverage.
Without risking sounding like a wimp, I promise you my trust in other drivers has declined even more since then, to the point where I don't even want a car anymore! The real tea is, if I wanted one, and got one, I wouldn't be able to drive it. I trust God will be with me when I finally get renew my permit, get a license, and get on the roads. But I feel safer staying off of them as much as I can.