

Graveyard Dancing
I was coming home from dinner at my parents, but it wasn't a normal dinner, it was a goodbye dinner. They didn't know it, but I planned to end my life this night, after years of struggling I was just done with it. Once it hit around midnight I got back to the shit town I lived in, I parked my car near the railroad overpass. I figured this was a good spot, since people park there to fish, and nobody would probably even notice me until morning, plus it was just far enough from my apartment that chances were nobody I cared about would find me. I shut the engine down, popped the trunk and grabbed my supplies, I hooked up the hose to the exhaust, turned on the local rock station and started the car up again. After a few minutes I started to get sleepy, and I shut my eyes.

I opened my eyes up to my car out of gas, I got out and put all the supplies in the trunk, then I started the walk home. It was still dark out, but something was different, the stars seemed brighter and everything seemed to have a slight blue glow to it. When I got to the entrance to the road that both my apartment building and a cemetery share, a figure blocked my path. An owl, standing at least 7 feet tall, he looked down upon me, but had an oddly comforting vibe about him.
"Your payment?" he bellowed
"Payment for what" I asked,
"You must contribute in order to enter, share your morals, or words to live by, or a piece of knowledge so we may add them to the collection".
I thought for a second and then answered: "good deeds shall be done behind closed doors".
The owl stepped aside, letting me in.
I walked past the owl and walked over to a group of people. There were people, couples, dancing in the graveyard, moving swiftly as if they were floating.
The owl came over and I asked if this was Heaven, the owl avoided the question. He walked me around the block, it appeared to be a large party, in the middle of the town, I saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces, and some familiar ones, I saw my grandparents who passed a few years back. I shouted to get their attention, but they did not react. The owl walked me around and showed me different things.

"Here is where you can indulge in the greater things, you can eat as much BBQ as you like and don't have to worry about gaining weight or becoming unhealthy. You can drink all the alcohol you like and not become sick. Here it is about having a great time doing the things you enjoy, with the people you love" said the owl.

I looked around, it wasn't what I expected the afterlife to be like, it looked more like halloween, people dressed in clothing from all time periods, no body seemed to take notice to us walking.

"Can they tell that we are here" I asked the owl.
"No my son, because you are not here, it is not your time to be here, let me give you a piece of knowledge: better things are always around the coroner, but better things do not come to those who do not wait". My chest started to burn and everything started to fade away, everything was white, the only thing that was prevalent was a voice saying "we got pulses".