

Red Lace and Black Magic (chapters 3-4)
© Sean Bingham
Chapter 3: The Necklace

After saving up a two years’ worth of wages Elena finally had the money to get the necklace that she starred at day after day wanting to get it for Shayla. She snuck out of work early so she could make it to the store before it closed. Granted the original gold heart shape necklace was long gone but each time it got replaced a far more beautiful necklace took its place. There was a gold heart necklace with a small red garnet in the center on display now. It was perfect and would look absolutely stunning with the red lace the Shayla always wore. Elena found the store and luckily; she was able to make it just thirty minutes before they closed. With her coin purse full of the last two years of every penny that she could put away. She might have also stolen a penny or two from Shayla’s clients when they weren’t looking. She walked in and to her surprise the necklace was cheaper than she had anticipated. So, she had the necklace engraved on the back that read: “Forever Yours E.” Unfortunately, Elena did not have enough money to inscribe her whole name so E. was just going to have to work. Elena was so excited to bring her lover, her friend, her sister, a gift that she would never forget. The necklace was beautiful she couldn’t help but take it out of her pocket when no one was looking and admire the craftsmanship. It was a gold heart with inlayed silver, with intricate designs and the tiny garnet sat in the very center. The back was smooth and shiny with the fresh engravings “Forever Yours E.”, Elena couldn’t stop thinking about how she was forever Shayla’s. She loved her, ever since the day she peed on her she loved her. She was the first person to ever show her kindness. She realized that she had been staring at the necklace for too long and just then a small hand ripped it from her grasp. Suddenly all her hard work all her love two whole years over her life swooped away by a tiny little hand. Elena knew the game; she knew the child who took it was the decoy and that she was supposed to chase him but she knew better. Where was child that she was, the small invisible kid that no one ever noticed; he was the one who got handed the necklace. She quickly found him dashing into an ally way. The little boy, he was small and weekly looking with ripped up grey cloths. She chased him down and grabbed him. She knew that the boy was hiding the necklace in his mouth she always did the same thing when she was a girl. Elena held out her hand by his mouth and said. “Spit it out! Now!” She demanded. The frightened little boy spat out the necklace with a large amount of spit to go with it. Elena let out a sound of disgust as the boy made his escape. Wiping off the necklace with her kerchief she decided it was best she wore it under her dress until she got home. She made it back home just before dark, Shayla as usual was with a client. So as always, she snuck in un noticed or so she thought. Shayla saw the door creek open just enough for Elena to dash through. She was home early she thought that was rather unusual. She didn’t like this client because he liked to choke her but it was the only way he could get off. Sometimes he left bruises and so she always had to wear a bigger ribbon on his visits. The man was extremely wealthy and always paid her extra. Shayla rarely got off on her clients but she had some personal favorites. Unfortunately, he was not one of them. He was one of her least favorite clients. Once he was done as always, he through the money on her, said nothing, and left. Shayla let out a deep breath put on a gown and said, “You’re home early my love.” Just then Elena appeared from behind the sheet. She kissed her and said, “I have a surprise for you.” Shayla playfully sat on the bed with one foot tucked underneath her thigh. Elena with her bangs tucked behind her ear was smiling with a big grin and her eyes were light up and playful. Elena bit her lip and said, “But first you have to close your eyes.” Shayla cocked her head to the side running her fingers through her long black hair and she rolled her beautiful green eyes giggled with a smile and said, “Fine they are closed.” Elena made sure that Shayla’s eyes were closed. She slipped off the necklace and put it around Shayla’s neck. Shayla grabbed the heart and looked at it. Shayla’s smile quickly faded as she looked at how beautiful it was. She recognized the necklace it was the very one that was sitting in the display case at the jewelry store. She felt something on the back of necklace an engraving of some kind. She read it, it said: “Forever Yours E.” Elena was staring at her with anticipation she was expecting her to kiss her and make passionate love to her instead Shayla got upset. Shayla began to cry because she was nothing but a useless whore but here this woman who had been with her through it all. A woman who had no money but somehow saved up enough money sacrificed just enough each day to get her this necklace. It was the only gift anyone had ever given her and it had a personalized engraving on the back which also gave it sentimental value which made it priceless. It made her feel priceless but yet her price was far less than what Elena paid for the necklace. She didn’t know how she did it or why but Shayla got upset and said, “Dammit Elena, how did you afford this?” Elena not understanding she said, “I saved and pinched every penny I could for the last two years to get you this. I thought you would be happy.” Shayla was crying, no longer wearing the necklace but holding it in her hand saying, “You have to be smarter than this, I’m not worth what this cost you.” Elena’s cheery bright eyes quickly narrowed and her smiled faded. Elena then said, “Why can’t you just except it, I did this for you.” Shayla stood up and said, “Well, you really shouldn’t have. When people look at me all they see is whore a prostitute a hole to stick it in. I’m not worth it. Whores don’t get to have pretty things; whores are the pretty things.” Elena suddenly became angry; she was being so ungrateful and without even thinking about it she slapped her. Shayla was very surprised about what just happened. Little, shy, scared, mousy, Elena slapped her. Shayla then said, “You did not just do that I could pummel you; you know.” Elena noticed what she had just done. In the many years the two had been together never once had they laid a hand on one another. Suddenly Elena became very frightened about what just happened. Elena using her magic she quickly threw a sheet over Shayla and pushed her on the bed. Shayla struggled for a minute and then let out a scream. It was almost as if they were children again and she was having a temper tantrum and said, “Fine! You win! I’ll wear the stupid necklace!” Elena then pulled the sheet off of Shayla her green eyes were wild and her hair was a mess. Elena couldn’t help but laugh at her disposition. She began laughing so hard that her sides hurt. Shayla looking in the mirror saw her hair and said, “Alright, alright have yourself laugh! Laugh it up yeah.” Elena still laughing now collapsed on the bed holding her sides. Shayla shook her hands through her hair making it more of a mess and opened her eyes really wide and said in a deep poche voice, “I wouldn’t want to, I don’t know start dancing.” She grabbed the coat rack and began to ball room dance with it. Elena was laughing so hard she was turning purple. Shayla stopped what she was doing got very serious fixed her hair and put her hands out to Elena. Elena grabbed her hands and pulled her down to the bed. Elena tucking Shayla’s black hair behind her ears looked deep into her green eyes and said, “All I’m trying to say is that I fucking love you.” Shayla didn’t know what say, no one had ever told her that they loved her before so she said, “I fucking love too but if you ever slap me again…” Shayla began to tickle Elena. Elena began to laugh hysterically until she turned purple again. Shayla’s eyes got wild and she stopped tickling her and started kissing her. She caressed her entire body kissed her all over as she slowly removed an article of clothing. Shayla then said, “I found this book called the “Kama Sutra”. It’s in some weird language but I could tell by the pictures what I want to do to you.” That night Shayla went down on Elena, Elena didn’t know what to think of it at first but then she got in to it. It was amazing. The two of them made passionate love much as they always did. After Elena had given Shayla an orgasm Elena kissed Shayla passionately looked deep into her beautiful green eyes and said, “I Love you, I always have, and I am forever yours.” Shayla kissed her back and said, “I love you too and no matter what I will always be there for you I will never let go of you, I promise you, I will take my last breath wearing this necklace.”
Shayla never took the necklace off ever again. She often fondled it quite regularly thinking back at that night reliving it over and over. Always rubbing the engraving with her fingers: “Forever Yours E.”

Chapter 4: On the Run

One morning as Elena was on her way to work, she saw a newsy selling a stack of papers he was yelling, “Extra, extra read all about it! Local witch on killing spree in London!” She had never purchased a paper before, she often found them to be silly and full of gossip. She had all but forgotten about the men she killed. She walked over to the boy and said, “I’ll buy one of those.” She handed the boy the correct amount and read the front page it said: “Local Witch in London responsible for over a dozen deaths in the past four years.” As she began to read it, it first mentioned the two men she killed in the street almost four years ago and several more that she was not responsible for. She read on and there was a professional witch hunter in town all the way from Salem Massachusetts in the colonies sent to hunt down the witch. Elena didn’t go to work that day. Instead she ran home to take the paper to Shayla.
Shayla was still asleep when she got home but woke up by the sound of the door opening and closing. Shayla knew it was Elena just by the way the door opened and closed. She quickly sat up and said, “Why aren’t you at work?” She handed Shayla the paper and said, “They are looking for me I know they are.” Shayla then said, “Calm down they don’t even know who you are.” Shayla could tell that Elena was scared. Shayla then said, “Look we’ll spend the day together, I have some errands I need to run and you can come with me. You will see that there is nothing to be afraid of.” Shayla and Elena headed out on city. Shayla was dressed rather lavishly. She was wearing a red dress that had red lace designs woven all around it. As always, she wore her red lace tied around her neck and a hat that had red lace and black feathers all over it. Elena was wearing her usual grey modest dress with her hair in a bun and her curly bangs over her brown eye. Elena thought it amusing that everyone probably assumed that she was Shayla’s servant. They went to the market and got some fresh vegetables and picked up some meat from the butcher. London was so alive during the day it had been a long time since she had seen it. She worked at shoe shop so much making shoes and repairing them that she had forgot what everyday life was like for most people. They were on their way home when Shayla said, “See, nothing to be afraid of.” They were a block from the house taking a short cut through an ally way when a man walked around the corner. Shayla recognized him immediately. “Hello Johnny. What brings you on this side of town.” Johnny was a large rugged man with an eye patch and wreaked of spiced rum. He was dressed in black, looked ex-military, and carried an officer’s saber with him. Elena was very intimidated by him so she just held the groceries and stared at the ground. Johnny then said, “You know what brings me here my little poppet.” As he trapped her against the wall sucking at his teeth. Shayla trying to keep her demeaner said, “I wasn’t expecting you for another hour.” Johnny then turned his attention to Elena and said, “Who is this little red-haired chickee. Common give us smile lass.” Elena not knowing what to do looked up at him with distain. Shayla then said, “Please Johnny just leave her out of this. We can go to the Rusty Lodge have a three some with that girl you like so much there.” Johnny then said, “No, I want her.” Shayla Stepped in front of Elena and said, “I said no Johnny.” Johnny back handed Shayla so hard that she hit the wall he grabbed her face that was now bleeding. Shayla could feel the blood running down her face Johnny had been drinking all morning and his temper can get out of control. He then said, “I don’t take no back talk from no one, especially some useless whore.” Elena then said, “Leave her alone.” Johnny looked at Elena and said, “You are a very stupid girl.” Elena then said, “No you are a very stupid man. Let her go.” Johnny threw Shayla to the ground who said, “Elena no don’t.” Elena used her magic and pushed Johnny in to the street. A couch happened to be going by at the same time and spooked the large horses trampling Johnny to death. An old man who had been passing by witnessed the whole thing and yelled, “Witch! Witch! She’s a witch!” Suddenly a crowed began to form, Elena hadn’t realized it but her bangs were no longer covering her eye. People started pointing and shouting, “Witch, witch!” Shayla grabbed Elena and they ran home. Elena just kept saying the same thing over and over, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Shayla began to pack their bags and all the money they had. It didn’t take long for the mob to figure out who they were and where they lived. The witch hunter was alerted immediately and was on his way in his metal prison couch. They didn’t have long so Shayla grabbed Elena and their bags and ran through all the dark alley ways and most obscure back roads that she could remember. After all they grew up on these streets, they knew their way around. They managed to exit the city by night fall. They ran off into the woods the night was cold. Luckily Elena could start a fire with her magic. Fire magic wasn’t a magic she liked using because it was dangerous and she was afraid of fire. They hadn’t spoken to each other all day. They both just stared at the fire not knowing what to say. Elena finally said, “I’m so sorry, he hurt you.” She began to cry. Shayla fondling her necklace scooted over to her and wrapped her arm around her and said, “It’s okay my love, It’s okay.” She kissed her head and they held each other all night. Shayla quickly woke up by the sounds of blood hounds barking in the distance. The fire was now nothing more than smoldering coals. She quickly got up and said, “Elena get up they found our trail we have to move.” Elena Woke up and quickly sprang to her feet. The two women took off running deeper into the woods. Elena didn’t know how long they were running for. It seemed like forever, they never stopped moving; they ran all day and all night. They were so exhausted Shayla just needed to find somewhere they could hide just for little while but every time they stopped to rest the blood hounds would catch up to them. After putting some distance between them and the witch hunter they came across a farm stead. Elena was getting sick and she was running a fever. Shayla had to find somewhere they could stop. They reached the door of the beautiful two story farm house where Shayla franticly banged on the door. A maid answered the door. Shayla then said, “Please, please help us my friend she’s very sick and we have been lost in the woods for days.” The mistress of the house came to the door and said, “Yes of course bring her in. I have a bedroom upstairs that you can use.” Shayla brought Elena upstairs and gently laid her down in the bed. The maid immediately brought them food and water. Shayla made sure that Elena drank first and tried to get her to eat but she ate very little. Elena fell asleep. Shayla watched over her. The master of the house came back from his hunting trip and introduced himself. He walked in the room looking at Shayla. “Well hello there young lady.” Shayla remembering her manors schooling stood up and curtsied and said, “Thank you for allowing us to stay here kind sir I am in your debt. I have money if you wish.” The farmer then said, “I am Jacob Glover, owner of this farm for which gives you good women this refuge. I cannot possibly accept your money. Just doing Gods will is payment enough.” He smiled warmly and took his leave. Shayla didn’t know how but she managed to lose the witch hunter. Elena was very sick but after a day or two her fever finally broke but she hadn’t eaten anything and was very weak, her strength never returned. Shayla watched over her holding her hand kissing her forehead telling her that everything was going to be alright. The Glovers gave them much privacy. Shayla actually became suspicious because they only ever just saw the maid and no one else. Early one morning she decided to explore the house there was no one there in fact everyone was gone except for the maid who was cooking in the kitchen. Shayla had a horrible feeling as though something was terribly wrong. She had a feeling like they needed to flee. She ran upstairs and tried to get Elena out of bed but she was just too weak. Elena then said, “Leave me, you have to save yourself my love you need to go.” Shayla then said, “I’m not leaving you here I’m not leaving you to die.” Elena tried to slap her but she was to weak and her hand just lightly tapped her face. Shayla holding Elena’s hand to her face began to cry and laugh at the same time, and said, “I fucking love you.” Elena smiled and said, “I fucking love you too.” Elena fell back asleep. Shayla felt trapped she wasn’t going to leave her. She had to defend her. That night two wagons showed up that she could see from the upstairs window. One was a padded wagon with barred windows and the other was metal wagon with heavy locks. Shayla got a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, like this was the last time she was ever going to see Elena. She kissed her over and over keeping her as close as she could. If they were going to take them then they had to take them together. She could hear the men coming up the stairs. Shayla had never been so frightened in her entire life. Elena wrapped her arms around her and began to say, “No, no please.” Her words were weak and almost inaudible but as them men in the red coats entered the room Shayla held Elena tighter than she had ever held before. Elena somehow gathered the strength to hold her tighter and yelled louder, “No please, no!” As the men tried to pull them apart, they just kept holding on to each other. They held on to each other so tightly that it took six men to pull them apart. In the process Elena ripped off Shayla’s golden necklace and red lace ribbon she had around her neck. Shayla had also accidently ripped out a lock of Elena’s bright red hair. Their fingers touched for the last time as they were being pulled apart reaching out to each other never wanting to let go. They yelled each other’s names Shayla yelled, “Elena!” And Elena yelled “Shayla!” They yelled each other’s names until they could no longer hear each other anymore and then yelled for each other until their voices could no longer yell. Elena was taken to a cell where she was going to be tried and burned as a witch. Shayla was taken to a convent to live out the rest of her days in solitude for fear that she had been bewitched and put under some kind spell.