

Tragic Sex Comedy
Our subject is too classy and does not comply with the everyday lives of citizen~dicks you hang around with.

If change is inevitable, will it be wrong to say that impermanence is the way of life. Tragedy and me, hand in hand, we march ahead.

She came and spiced me up. This was the second time we met. Her intentions were crystal clear and straight. All she meant was to get laid.

Be in the mood for love, cuddle and get cozy with the girl if fucking the kinky lust out of each other is not the choice I want to make right now.
It took almost a day to come to such terms with myself but she was horny and desperately needed a wild chase.

She gazed and rolled over like a giant flip, she roared like a lioness and was dressed like an enchanted queen. We chased layer cakes of shining bright white lines she brought along. It's been two days now. Only mind was awake but body was tripping on its own at cloud no.9.

My intentions were pure too but fate had other plans ready to be served. My resolve to wait for the opportunity to satisfy my own physical desires shattered when that sudden reaction with clear intention to give a helping hand by leaving the space for the needed ones created the spark which completely destroyed that cozy comfort I wanted to have at that particular time.

Before I could convince her to stay close between the sheets and give rest to our exhausted bodies, a disturbing and hyper action came out of no where, unexpectedly and brutally broke the flow.

The only criminal factor for which you and I were judged and were forced to face the challenge of new settings was that he heard you moaning.

It began with distraction first then followed by awakened fiery lust that led us to the embarrassment we had. After all, we got busted and had to quit the idea of fucking the wilderness out of each other.

We were lying on the bed and she was in the middle. The other guy next to her was neither the targeted audience and nor the targeted subject. Still this other guy next to her created his own oblivion and obligations with no hard feelings. The only thing that seemed hard was the kick we shared in these last two days.

In the end, his own self imposed actions raped the comfort we all somehow managed to create.

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© Kunba_The Hellish Vision Show