

Never Wish Upon Stars (REPOST)

"Goodbye, honey, I have to go!" Jeremiah called to his wife, Dianne while he was hurrying out the door of their house. He grabbed his tan hat from off the coat hanger, brushed the dust off his beige coat, grabbed his briefcase from off the floor and was about to exit the house when Dianne stopped him.
"Jeremiah, what are you doing now? You're always in such a hurry to leave before 11 PM, but you never tell me where you're going!" she insisted. Dianne was wearing a dirty blue overalls with extended into bell-bottoms at the ends just enough so her feet were covered.
"Dianne I don't have time for this! I need to go!" Jeremiah shouted.
"No, not unless you tell me what you're in such a rush for!" Dianne snapped back. "Please, just tell me what's going on!" she pleaded. Dianne was taken aback by her husband's determination to leave without explaining just what he was up to. She was hurt, in a way. Jeremiah and her had never kept any secrets from each other, and she didn't want to start now. Dianne just wanted to be able to talk to her husband, why did he have to make this difficult?
"Dianne!" Jeremiah repeated. He shoved past her and flung the door open.
"Stop- Wait!" Dianne begged. But it was too late, Jeremiah was already stomping down the concrete sidewalk in the warm, dusk evening north-east from the Tanner's house.
Dianne stared in dismay at her husband's cruelness. How could he treat her so poorly? She slammed the door and ran across the house to Jeremiah and her's bedroom and flopped onto their bed, burying her face in pillows. She calmed herself down, reached over to her nightstand and turned the lamp off, and tried to get a good night's sleep. Though the harder she tried the more she was unable to rest, so she pulled her phone away from where it was charging on her nightstand and texted Jerimiah,

"Jerimiah, why don't you trust me enough to tell me things anyone? It hurts me when you choose not to confide in me... please, I ask nothing more of you."


"Rosalina! It's time for school!" Dianne calls. It has been thirteen years. Jeremiah and Dianne had one daughter now, 13 year old Rosalina, who was now entering her first real year of school in 8th grade. Rosalina had been homeschoolrd or the majority of her life, and the day she had dreamed of was finally here. She was going to enter a public school.
"I'm already up!" Rosalina called from her room.
Dianne open Rosalina's room door and peaked her head through. " You've already gotten dressed?" She asked, coming inside fully.
"Yes, this is the most exiting day of my life! I'm finally going to meet other kids my age!" Rosalina exclaimed as if her mother had accused her of something.
"Well alright, I'll make you something to eat until it's time to leave. What do you want?" Dianne asks.
"I'm not hungry, mom! I just wanna go!"
"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but we're leaving for school at 7:45, so in 40 minutes. Have patience," Dianne urged.